blob: 350b1ce67f21030cb5ea6a443bd31e2c5b9baf23 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# @summary Install and configure klaxon, a simple webapp for users to page SRE.
# @param config the klaxon config
# @param escalation_policy_slug The slug for the escalation policy
# @param install_dir where to install klaxon
# @param port the port klaxon runs on
class klaxon (
Klaxon::Klaxon_config $config,
String $escalation_policy_slug,
Stdlib::Unixpath $install_dir = '/srv/klaxon',
Stdlib::Port $port = 4667,
) {
$gunicorn_package = debian::codename::le('buster') ? {
true => 'gunicorn3',
default => 'gunicorn',
ensure_packages([$gunicorn_package, 'python3-cachetools', 'python3-dateutil', 'python3-flask', 'python3-requests'])
$environ_file = '/var/lib/klaxon/environ_file'
# TODO: a better deployment model.
git::clone { 'operations/software/klaxon':
ensure => latest,
directory => $install_dir,
branch => 'master',
systemd::sysuser { 'klaxon':
home_dir => '/var/lib/klaxon',
shell => '/bin/bash',
file { '/var/lib/klaxon':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'klaxon',
group => 'klaxon',
mode => '0755',
require => User['klaxon'],
file { $environ_file:
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'klaxon',
mode => '0440',
require => User['klaxon'],
content => template('klaxon/environ_file.erb'),
systemd::service { 'klaxon':
ensure => 'present',
content => systemd_template('klaxon'),
restart => true,
subscribe => [
require => [
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'klaxon': }
$command = "/usr/bin/python3 klaxon/ escalate_unpaged ${escalation_policy_slug}"
systemd::timer::job { 'vo-escalate':
interval => [{ 'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => '*:*:00/15' }], # every 15s
description => 'Escalate VO unpaged incidents',
command => $command,
user => 'klaxon',
group => 'klaxon',
private_tmp => true,
timeout_start_sec => 15,
environment_file => $environ_file,
environment => { 'PYTHONPATH' => $install_dir },
working_directory => $install_dir,
splay => 7, # Timer runs on all (two) alerting hosts