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  1. 93d4058 Migrate to new parent pom. by Guillaume Lederrey · 8 weeks ago master
  2. 9e1a3da upgrading to latest parent pom (1.64) by Guillaume Lederrey · 1 year, 6 months ago
  3. 422c8db Cleanup new checkstyle violations. by Guillaume Lederrey · 1 year, 6 months ago
  4. ebcb9e6 upgrading to latest parent pom (1.60) by Guillaume Lederrey · 1 year, 9 months ago
  5. 7edc36d [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by joseph emmanuel kayode (iemarjay) · 2 years, 3 months ago

Extra (GPL) Analysis Modules for Elasticsearch

This is a collection of GNU General Public License (GPL) Elasticsearch analysis plugins (currently at n = 1) built around other GPL-licensed open-source morphological analysis software (e.g., stemmers and such). The primary goal of this collection is to make these language analysis modules available for use in CirrusSearch (the MediaWiki extension that provides search to Wikimedia projects—e.g., Wikipedia and its sister projects), though of course it would be great if anyone else found them useful.

Current contents include:


Extra Analysis PluginElasticSearch

Install it like so for Elasticsearch x.y.z:

>= 5.1.2

./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install


Spotbugs is run during the verify phase of the build to find common issues. The build will break if any issue is found. The issues will be reported on the console.

To run just the check, use mvn spotbugs:check on a project that was already compiled (mvn compile). mvn spotbugs:gui will provide a graphical UI that might be easier to read.

Like all tools, spotbugs is much dumber than you. If you find a false positive, you can ignore it with the @SuppressFBWarnings annotation. You can provide a justification to make document why this rule should be ignored in this specific case.