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  1. 6f18d02 Reconfigure mobile-options-last-3-months query by Marcel Ruiz Forns · 8 years ago master
  2. d2e2299 Migrate the reports to use standalone reportupdater. by Marcel Ruiz Forns · 8 years ago
  3. 886219f Add lag option to reportupdater by Marcel Ruiz Forns · 8 years ago
  4. 48ab966 Bump MobileOptions revision by jdlrobson · 8 years ago
  5. c32a00d Fix tox to be able to run tests by Antoine Musso · 9 years ago

Note: Very rudimentary and slightly mobile specific. Eventually stuff will be refactored out of here to be a generic thing that everyone doing EL -> Limn can use

Also see

Installing dependencies

You will need Limn itself.

To run the script you should create a Python virtualenv, activate it and install all the required dependencies:

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

After that, every time when you want to run you only need to activate the virtualenv with all the dependencies already installed by running source env/bin/activate.

Later you need to link the data directory to the Limn instance. Assuming that you have Limn cloned to ~/limn and this project to ~/limn-mobile-data, you will need to run the following command (only once):

$ cd ~/limn
$ coke --vardir ./var --data ~/limn-mobile-data --to mobile link_data

Then you should be able to start Limn by running npm start and see it in action at http://localhost:5000.

Mac OS X

You will need to install some header files for some of the Python dependencies to compile. To do that it's best if you install MySQL and libyaml using Homebrew:

$ brew install mysql
$ brew install libyaml


On Ubuntu the following does the trick:

$ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libyaml-dev

Adding your own Graphs

  • Write an SQL Query that returns data in the appropriate format, and place it in mobile/<name>.sql
  • Add<name>.csv to appropriate position in dashboards/reportcard.json
  • Add the graph to mobile/config.yaml
  • Generate the datafile (csv) for the graph python -c scripts/config.yaml mobile -g <graphname>

Testing using local data

By default the instance you run will show graphs using production data. To generate the data for your local instance you need to make the analytics databases available to your local machine. If you have access to stat1, you can do that by running:

$ scripts/ssh

in a separate terminal window and leaving it open.

Then, you should create a file called scripts/my.cnf.research with the following content:

user=[analytics DB user]
password=[analytics DB password]

Now, you should be able to run with config overrides:

$ python -c scripts/config.yaml mobile -g my_graph_id

When all the data is generated you still need to do one more thing to let Limn know that it should use the local data. The hacky solution is to replace all the data URLs temporarily. You can do it by running:

$ scripts/localurl

Now, you should be able to do:

$ cd ~/limn
$ npm start

and see your local instance data at http://localhost:5000. You have to remember to replace all the local URLs to remote URLs before pushing your changes though by running:

$ scripts/remoteurl