[ARCHIVED] Toolforge buildpacks - T265685

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  1. 9d136d7 Move to bullseye + python3 for base buildpacks by David Caro · 1 year, 8 months ago master
  2. 11e1e95 General improvements and fixes by David Caro · 2 years, 5 months ago
  3. 685324f Initial commit of Python 3.7 builder by Kunal Mehta · 3 years, 7 months ago
  4. 3f571dc Add .gitreview by Kunal Mehta · 3 years, 7 months ago

Toolforge buildpacks

This repository contains buildpacks for the Toolforge project.

See the push-to-deploy project for some more details.


You'll need to install pack first.

# Create the builder image
# Change directories to your tool
cd ../my-cool-tool
pack build my-cool-tool --builder toolforge-bullseye0-builder
docker run my-cool-tool

pack will try to always pull the latest build/run images from the registry. If you want to test against locally modified images, pass --pull-policy never to make.sh.


If you want to debug why your app is not being built as you expect, enabling the verbose output might help see what buildpacks are being chosen to build your tool and their output:

pack build my-cool-tool --verbose --builder toolforge-bullseye0-builder


GPL v3, or any later version. See COPYING for more details.