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  1. 4317fcb [Test] Stop forcing QEMU 1 use with the "-engine classic" flag by Michael Holloway · 7 years ago master
  2. 2af3e68 Update system image component name construction for APIs >= 25 by Michael Holloway · 7 years ago
  3. 8423c82 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Christopher Orr · 8 years ago upstream
  4. 2835610 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release android-emulator-2.15 by Christopher Orr · 8 years ago android-emulator-2.15
  5. 31c1582 [FIXED JENKINS-35004] Disable console auth token at startup. by Christopher Orr · 8 years ago

Android Emulator Plugin for Jenkins

Provides numerous features for Android development and testing during Jenkins builds, including:

  • Creating Android emulators on-demand
  • Running an Android emulator during a build
  • Automatically installing the Android SDK on Jenkins slaves, where required
  • Detecting which Android platforms are required to build one or more projects and installing them automatically
  • Generating Ant build files for any app, test or library projects found in the workspace
  • Installing/uninstalling Android packages
  • Running the monkey stress-testing tool
  • Parsing output from running monkey and marking a build as unstable/faild

For more information, visit the wiki page: