[ARCHIVED] (use composer instead) Hold PHPUnit ands its dependencies for deployment on CI Jenkins slaves

Clone this repo:


  1. 8952c28 Rebuild composer autoloader to support classmap-authoritative setting by Kunal Mehta · 9 years ago master
  2. 8402beb Update to phpunit 3.7.37 by Bryan Davis · 10 years ago
  3. 6c1d11d Regenerate autoloader by Bryan Davis · 10 years ago
  4. 972da5f phpunit 3.7.28 by Antoine Musso · 10 years ago
  5. 96873d6 README and composer.json by Antoine Musso · 10 years ago


This repository holds PHPUnit and its dependencies. It is meant to safely deploy PHPUnit on the Wikimedia cluster since:

  1. we can NOT download from third parties
  2. there is no Debian package for PHPUnit 3.7.x

How to update

Use http://getcomposer.org/ a package management system for PHP.

Eventually review composer.json and install:

$ composer install

To review the list of packages currently installed:

$ composer show --installed


$ git diff

If it looks sane, add and commit for review:

$ git add phpunit
$ git commit -m 'Updating PHPUnit to vX.X.X'
$ git push refs/for/master

Then ask for review.

Pointing MediaWiki PHPUnit to that installation

Our phpunit wrapper comes with a --with-phpunitdir option and PHPUnit would nicely detects it has been installed via composer. With this repositry checked out in /contint-phpunit/ you would:

$ php phpunit.php --with-phpunitdir /contint-phpunit/vendor/phpunit/phpunit
Will attempt loading PHPUnit from `/contint-phpunit/vendor/phpunit/phpunit`
PHPUnit 3.7.28 by Sebastian Bergmann.

How to deploy

This repository will later on be used with git-deploy to push the code in production.