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  1. e3a20db Remove code to strip p-tags around indicators: No longer necessary by Subramanya Sastry · 32 hours ago master
  2. d5e7586 Revert "Force lazy elements to be loaded" by Subramanya Sastry · 7 days ago
  3. 7a0445b Reduce noise on visualdiff testing by Yiannis Giannelos · 7 days ago
  4. f4dc0d6 Merge "Force lazy elements to be loaded" by jenkins-bot · 2 weeks ago
  5. 465d88c Force lazy elements to be loaded by Yiannis Giannelos · 2 weeks ago


  • npm install
  • Make sure you have a working uprightdiff binary. You may have to compile from source if the Debian-packaged version isn't compatible with your Ubuntu install.

Working with proxies


bin/ has some commandline scripts to generating diffs

Either use the following scripts

node bin/gen.screenshots.js --help
node bin/diff.screenshots.js --help

OR this script

node bin/gen.visual_diff.js --help


$ cd bin; node gen.visual_diff.js --config <your-config-file> --title Hospet

The bin/examples directory has a sample enwiki titles list and a bunch of example config files for 3 different use cases

  • parsoid.php.diffsettings.js for comparing PHP parser output against Parsoid output
  • batching.diffsettings.js for comparing Parsoid output without use of the Parsoid batching API against Parsoid output that uses the parsoid batching API
  • php_output.diffsettings.js sample file (incomplete) for some use case that might compare PHP parser output in 2 different configurations

bin/examples directory also provides a script for generating diffs on a bunch of titles (provided in a file as a CLI arg) and run with a CLI-provided config file. At the very least, you may have to update the binary property for uprightdiff in the config files.

Testreduce client

testreduce/ has client scripts and example config for mass testing of visual diffs by getting titles from a testreduce server (either from the Parsoid codebase or from the testreduce repo on github once that is ready for use).

There is an example testreduce server settings file there as well.

Diff server

Thin server for generating diffs to be used in combination with testreduce server to look at diffs (since the server doesn't have the actual images, just a numeric score).