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  1. 2ae4f58 Add shadow for popover to make it stand out by Gabriel Lee · 4 years ago master
  2. 3e1bf57 Add .gitreview by Gabriel Lee · 4 years ago
  3. d1fb562 Added csrf check by Gabriel Lee · 4 years ago
  4. 450cc1d Show image and description of depict statement on hover by Gabriel Lee · 4 years ago
  5. e071863 Show image description and categories by Gabriel Lee · 4 years ago

Media Data Verification Tool

This is (so far) a prototype / demo for my proposal for GSoC 2020.

Quick start guide

  1. Create the file mdvt/config/ with the following contents:
config = {}

config['SECRET_KEY'] = '<flask secret key>'
config['OAUTH_URI'] = ''
config['OAUTH_TOKEN'] = '<oauth token>'
config['OAUTH_SECRET'] = '<oauth secret>'
config['DATABASE_URI'] = '<sqlalchemy db uri>'
  1. Run the Flask shell with flask shell
  2. Run the following commands in the Flask shell to create tables for the database:
>>> from mdvt.database.models import User, UserSetting, Contribution
>>> from mdvt import db
>>> db.create_all()
  1. Run the tool with flask run