Clone this repo:
  1. 7e2eae2 .pipeline/config.yaml: Simplify publish pipeline by Ahmon Dancy · 1 year, 3 months ago master
  2. b725f23 Add data refresh/deploy instructions by Nikki Nikkhoui · 2 years, 5 months ago
  3. 8ac32a8 Merge "Add index to row_num_ima" by jenkins-bot · 2 years, 6 months ago
  4. e6711be Add index to row_num_ima by Nikki Nikkhoui · 2 years, 6 months ago
  5. 4eb476c Merge "Update README deployment" by jenkins-bot · 2 years, 6 months ago

Image Suggestion API

A Node.js REST API for retrieving image suggestions for under-illustrated Wikipedia articles.

Quick Start

First, install all npm dependencies

npm install

To start up the server, simply run:

npm start

This starts an HTTP server listening on localhost:8000. There are several routes you may query:

  • http://localhost:8000?doc
  • http://localhost:8000?spec
  • http://localhost:8000/_info/
  • http://localhost:8000/image-suggestions/v0/{lang}/{wiki}/pages:
  • http://localhost:8000/image-suggestions/v0/{lang}/{wiki}/pages/{title}:


Tests are written using the mocha framework. To run, simply execute:

npm test

To measure test coverage, we use the npm package nyc. To see how much test coverage you have, simply execute the command below and your test coverage results will be viewable by loading ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html in your browser.

npm run-script coverage


The API is publicly accessible at To deploy new versions of the API to the CloudVPS instance, you must first be a project admin. You can request access from any of the existing admins (Bill Pirkle, Nikki Nikkhoui, or Wendy Quarshie)

Data Refresh

The Image Suggestion API uses a static sqlite database file, /static/database.db to serve data. On startup, if database.db does not already exist, the API generates a new database file from all .tsv files in the /static directory. If the data ever needs to be refreshed, a new database.db must be generated. To do so:

  1. Replace any existing files under /static directory with the new .tsv file(s).
  2. Start the server with npm start to begin the database file generation.
  • This may take awhile based on how large your files are/the amount of CPU and memory on your laptop. The API will log its progress as it continues.
  1. Execute the below to copy the new file to the production instance, where {username} is your username.
scp static/database.db {username}{username}/image-suggestion-api/static/databasenew.db
  1. Restart the systemctl service
	sudo systemctl restart image-suggestion-api

Source code changes

If you just need to deploy a new version of the API due to source code changes:

  1. Login to the instance

  2. Pull the latest code on master:

    	cd image-suggestion-api
    	git pull
  3. Restart the systemctl service The API exists as a systemctl service. Restart the API to see your changes.

    	sudo systemctl restart image-suggestion-api


This project uses Blubber for local Docker development and CI.

To build and start the API inside a Docker container for local development, execute:

blubber .pipeline/blubber.yaml development | docker build --tag img-sugg-api --file - .
docker run -p img-sugg-api

You can now reach the API on localhost:8000

API Documentation

The API documentation adheres to OpenAPI standards and lives in spec.yaml. It is viewable at