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Performing Arts Entrepreneurship & Leadership Resources

Suggested resources related to performing arts entrepreneurship and leadership in U-M Libraries, at the University,


This is a guide designed to help you locate information and materials related to performing arts entrepreneurship and leadership. It is not a complete bibliography, but rather indicates key resources and types of materials that may be useful when seeking information in this area. It can act as a starting point for your research and as a reference point that you can revisit in the future.

Many materials listed are available in the Music Library though some may be housed in other libraries on campus. Consult the Library Catalog for complete holdings information and availability of materials. If you need assistance, a librarian will be happy to help you.

This guide was created in consultation with the Entrepreneurship & Leadership Department within U-M's School of Music, Theatre and Dance.

Music Library Contact

Profile Photo
Jason Imbesi
3239 Moore Building
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2085

Selected Subject Headings

Below are some examples of subject headings related to entrepreneurship and leadership within the performing arts which may be useful when searching or browsing in the Library Catalog.

To search subject headings in the Library Catalog, go to the "Advanced" search page and select Subject in the pull-down menu next to the search field. Enter any one of the headings in the list below into the search field. Use quotes around phrases for more precise results.

"Arts -- Management" "Popular music -- Writing and publishing"
"Performing Arts -- Management" "New business enterprises -- Management"
"Music trade -- Management" "New business enterprises"
"Sound recording industry -- Vocational guidance" "Success in business"
"Musicians' contracts" "Creative ability in business"
"Theater management" "Music -- Economic aspects"
"Acting -- Vocational guidance" "Nonprofit organizations -- Management"
"Dance companies -- Management" "Nonprofit organizations -- United States -- Management"
"Arts -- Marketing" "Community arts projects"
"Performing arts -- Marketing" "Community arts projects -- United States"
"Music entrepreneurship" "Cultural industries"
"Music trade -- Vocational guidance" "Cultural property"
"Dance -- Vocational guidance" "Intellectual property"
"Ballet -- Vocational guidance" "Intellectual property (International law)"
"Theater -- Vocational guidance" "Copyright -- Music -- United States"
"Entertainers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States" "Performing arts -- Law and legislation -- United States"

Selected General Print Resources

Allen, Paul.
Artist management for the music business.

Borwick, Doug.
Building communities, not audiences: the future of the arts in the United States.
NX 180 .S6 B658 2012 (Hatcher)

Cleveland, William.
Art in other places: artists at work in America's community and social institutions.
NX 180 .A77 C571 1992 (Fine Arts)

Cutler, David.
The savvy music teacher: blueprint for maximizing income and impact.
ML 3795 .C88 2015 (Music)

Florida, Richard L.
The flight of the creative class: the new global competition for talent.
HD 53 .F651 2004 (Hatcher & Shapiro)

Florida, Richard L.
The rise of the creative class: revisited.
HD 53 .F653 2012 (Shapiro)

Gelb, Michael J.
Discover your genius: how to think like history's ten most revolutionary minds.
BF 408 .G3651 2002 (Hatcher)

Goldbard, Arlene.
New creative community: the art of cultural development.
NX 180 .S6 G55 2006 (AAEL)

Grams, Diane, and Betty Farrell, eds.
Entering cultural communities: diversity and change in the nonprofit arts.
NX 705.5 .U6 E58 2008 (AAEL)

Hatschek, Keith.
Historical dictionary of the American music industry.
ML 102 .M85 H37 2018 (Music Reference)

International journal of arts management.
NX 760 .I58 (Hatcher & E-journal)

Ivey, Bill J.
Arts, Inc.: how greed and neglect have destroyed our cultural rights.
NX 730 .I93 2008 (Fine Arts)

Jones, Mark W.
Dancer's resource: the Watson-Guptill guide to academic programs, internships and apprentice programs, residential and artist-in-residence programs, studio schools and private teachers, workshops and festivals.
GV 1589 .J651 1999 (Music Reference)

Kaiser, Michael M.
The art of the turnaround: creating and maintaining healthy arts organizations.
PN 1584 .K24 2008 (Music)

Kolb, Bonita M.
Marketing for cultural organizations: new strategies for attracting and engaging audiences.
PN 1590 .M27 K65 2013 (AAEL)

Passman, Donald S.
All you need to know about the music business.
ML 3790 .P35 2015 (Music)

Robinson, Ken.
Out of our minds: the power of being creative.

Schrag, Brian.
Make arts for a better life: a guide for working with communities.
NX 180 .A77 S37 2018 (Music & Fine Arts)

Schupbach, Jason, and Don Ball, eds.
How to do creative placemaking: an action-oriented guide to arts in community development.

Tharp, Twyla.
The creative habit: learn it and use it for life - a practical guide.
BF 408 .T415 2006 (Shapiro)

Varbanova, Lidia.
Strategic management in the arts.
NX 760 .V37 2013 (AAEL)

Wacholtz, Larry.
Monetizing entertainment: an insider's handbook for careers in the entertainment & music industry.
ML 3795 .W23 2017 (Music)

Selected General Online Resources

U-M School of Music, Theatre & Dance EXCEL Lab - The Excellence in Entrepreneurship, Career Empowerment & Leadership (EXCEL) Lab catalyzes success for SMTD students and alumni through weekly workshops, 1:1 mentoring, and more than $100,000 in student project and venture funding.

Arts at Michigan - Seeks to integrate the visual, performing, and literary arts into the undergraduate experience at the U-M through programs that actively engage students in the arts as a meaningful way to build connections between academic and co-curricular experiences. The organization works to support students in their diverse roles as creators, audience members, and leaders in the university's arts community.

National Endowment for the Arts - Independent federal agency that provides funding and support through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector, the NEA supports arts learning, affirms and celebrates America’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, and extends its work to promote equal access to the arts.

Americans for the Arts - Works to build recognition and support for the extraordinary and dynamic value of the arts and to lead, serve, and advance the diverse networks of organizations and individuals who cultivate the arts in America.

Fractured Atlas - Assists individual artists and arts organizations at every level of the cultural ecosystem, in every creative medium, through fiscal sponsorship, educational resources, and personalized support.

WomenArts - Organization dedicated to helping women artists get the resources they need to do their creative work through free networking, fundraising and advocacy services.

New York Foundation for the Arts - Works to empower artists by providing them with complete and accurate information about awards, services and publications for individual artists and art professionals that will facilitate their artistic work.

Allworth Press - Publishes works providing practical information to creative professionals such as artists, photographers, designers, and authors. - Organization working to connect idealists – people who want to do good – with opportunities for action and collaboration.

Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs - The state of Michigan's lead agency charged with developing arts and culture policy and grantmaking in collaboration with a wide variety of public and private sector partners.

Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education - Organization committed to advancing formal training and high educational standards for arts entrepreneurship education.

Creative Capital - Organization supporting artists in all creative disciplines across the country through funding, counsel, gatherings, and career development services.

Createquity - Think tank investigating the most important issues in the arts and what can be done to address them.

Creative Many - Statewide organization that develops creative people, creative places and the creative economy in Michigan through research, advocacy, professional practice and communications.

DataArts - Organization seeking to empower arts and cultural leaders with high-quality data and evidence-based resources and insights that help them to overcome challenges and increase impact.