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Patron Reviews

How do I post a review?
  1. Find the title you want to review, making sure you are reviewing the proper format.
  2. Select the Add a Review button.
  3. If you are not already logged in, you will be asked to enter your Library Card Number and PIN to log into My Account.
  4. Once you are logged in – write the review.
    • Review must refer to the title being reviewed
    • Reviews must be a minimum of 35 characters
    • Reviews should not contain any personal contact information
    • Reviews should not contain offensive language
    • Reviews should not be used as a forum for self promotion
  1. Review your work and select Confirm or Cancel. Your review is queued for a staff member to review and approve before it is visible in The Catalog. Your review status shows as Pending Approval until it has been reviewed.
How can I post more than one review for the same title?
  1. You can post only one review for a particular format for a particular title.
    • You can not review the exact same format more then once
    • You can post reviews for multiple formats for a particular title if desired
How can I see all reviews that I’ve posted to the Catalog?
  1. You can see your reviews by logging into My Account.
  2. Select the My Reviews button.
  3. All your own reviews will appear in your account.
How can I delete a review that I’ve posted?
  • You can delete any of your own reviews at any time.
  1. Log into My Account.
  2. Select the My Reviews button.
  3. Select the review you want to delete.
  4. Click delete.
How soon will I see my review in The Catalog?
  • New reviews will be posted weekly.
Please Note:
Posting is at the discretion of the Allegheny County Libraries.
Reviews may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Allegheny County Libraries.
Space limitations may prevent the posting of some reviews.
Any review not approved for posting will be deleted.
All submitted reviews become the property of the Allegheny County Libraries.