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Star Ratings

How to rate titles
How to view ratings
How to edit ratings
How to delete ratings
Rating stars color coding

You can rate titles to help other readers by choosing a star rating on a scale of one to five.

***** I love it
****_ I like it
***__ It's OK
**___ I don't like it
*____ I hate it
_____ Never been rated. No recommendation available.

How to rate titles

To add stars from a list of titles:

  1. Click on the star of your choice to rate the title. For example, if you want to give 3 stars to this title, you need to click the 3rd star.

    Add Stars from Search Results

  2. The star will turn yellow upon clicking, which means your rating is successful.
  3. If you are not logged into My Account, you will be prompted to log in and then you will be able to rate.

To add stars from a full record:

  1. Click on the star of your choice to rate the title. For example, if you want to give 3 stars to this title, you need to click the 3rd star.

    Add Star from Full Record

  2. The stars will turn yellow upon clicking, which means your rating is successful.
  3. If you are not logged into My Account, you will be prompted to log in and then you will be able to rate.

How to view your ratings

  1. Log into My Account.
  2. Click the My rating icon: Patron Rating
  3. You can view all your rated materials and ratings in the My Ratings table.

    My Rating Table

How to edit your ratings

  1. Log into My Account.
  2. Click the My Ratings icon: patron rating
  3. In the My Ratings table, find the title you want to edit and click on the star you would like to change it to. For example, if you gave 5 stars to this material, but now you want to just give it 2 stars, click the 2nd star.

How to delete ratings

  1. Log into My Account.
  2. Click the My Ratings icon: Patron Rating
  3. In the My Ratings table, find the title you want to delete and check the box next to it.
  4. Click Delete Marked link or you can click Delete All link to delete all of your ratings.

Rating stars color coding

The rating stars display different colors depending on the rating status and whether you are logged into My Account.

  • Not rated: When a title is not yet rated, the stars are gray.
  • Rated: When a title is rated by someone else and you are not logged in My Account, the stars become blue.
  • wait to be rated:  If a title has been rated by other patrons but not you, and you are logged into My Account and do searches, you will see the stars of this title are grayed out. When you put your cursor over the rating tool, the stars become white with blue question marks, which prompt you to rate this titlel.
  • your rating: When you log into My Account and rate, the stars of this title will appear yellow.