Black cats

I really had no intention of writing more about Niall Ferguson. Regular readers may recall that he wrote an article in the Financial Times that began,

President Barack Obama reminds me of Felix the Cat. One of the best-loved cartoon characters of the 1920s, Felix was not only black. He was also very, very lucky. And that pretty much sums up the 44th president of the US …

I asked, are there no editors?

But Professor Ferguson demands that I (and James Fallows) print his response:

As you both took exception to my comparison of the President with Felix the Cat, my favorite cartoon character, implying it was racist and recommending I consult Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., I have now done so. He has taken the trouble to consult others in the field of African-American Studies, including our colleague Lawrence D. Bobo, the W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences, and has written to me as follows:

“None of us thought of Felix as black, unlike some of the racially-questionable caricatures Disney used. Felix’s blackness, like Mickey’s and Minnie’s, was like a suit of clothes, not a skin color. … You are safe on this one.”

What can I say? While the Ferguson line was deeply offensive — everyone I know asked, “Did he really write that? Did the FT actually publish it?” — it never occurred to me that it had anything to do with the question of whether Felix the Cat was supposed to be African-American. The mind reels.

For the record, I don’t think that Professor Ferguson is a racist.

I think he’s a poseur.

I’m told that some of his straight historical work is very good. When it comes to economics, however, he hasn’t bothered to understand the basics, relying on snide comments and surface cleverness to convey the impression of wisdom. It’s all style, no comprehension of substance.

And this time he ended up choking on his own snark.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

LOL… I love it when professors fight.

True, it was a dumb comment, but Ferguson is still a well-educated man, and very intelligent. He still deserves some respect from you, Sir.


Are there any grown ups in our esteemed institutions ?

You boys are fighting like 5th grade.

His history stuff isn’t that great, either. He’s so determined to be contrarian that he devil-advocates himself right off a cliff.

If Ferguson intented no racial connotations, why did he say “Felix was not only black…”? How do Felix’s and Obama’s color relate to any valid point that Ferguson may have intended to make? Whether Felix was a racial symbol in his own time is irrelevant.



Is the link to my original post last May asking why the FT publish this faker.

In case you don’t know Ferguson-the-Great is manager of Manchester United, and the most successful soccer manager of all time, and Berbatov is one of his players.

He still isn’t playing well. But he isn’t a faker.

John Hartley

If his book on World War I is representative, his straight historical work isn’t very good, either. It frequently substitutes not only snark but also innuendo for substantive arguments. The best example is his treatment if Keynes and the Versailles negotiations.

Poe’s “The Black Cat” is a lot more fun. Couldn’t detect any racism, though.

“When it comes to economics, however, he hasn’t bothered to understand the basics, relying on snide comments and surface cleverness to convey the impression of wisdom. ”

Fair enough. But that could describe an awful lot of economists, too.

There is a concern, though, that the current problems are not really due to an insufficiency of demand at all. debt levels are rising and the US itself has had an excess of investment over savings – still does.

Its not impossible that the rise in government spending may have little or no effect on shhort-term interest rates, but still raise long term rates through concerns over lower private investments due to the higher government spending over time.

Thus short rates stay low; long rates rise. Exactly what we have seen.

I love you for this, Paul.

Mr. Krugman,
you really have so much time to waste to blog on an innocuous comment made by the FT (which happens to be a competitor of the newspaper you blog for)?
Or are you really so much into political correctness?
With all the problems that we have, is what Prof. Ferguson (jokingly?) wrote about the colour of the skin of Pres. Obama the topic of the day?

Huffington Post’s version of Ferguson’s statement was on the money:

“Obama Like Felix The Cat — Black And Lucky”

So, of course Ferguson wasn’t trying to be racist. He was trying to be cheeky, and came off sounding stupid.

Ferguson’s real message is “Mr. President, you’ve been really lucky, but your luck is about to run out. Now, don’t be a fool. Just be more pragmatic and…” drum roll, please… “move to the right.”

Why do so many conservative pundits argue that progressives should move to the center when they are in the majority? Did they suggest Bush move to the center when he was in charge? Didn’t think so.

I propose we change the expression “like talking to a brick wall” to “like talking to Niall Ferguson.”

Hahaha. If Ferguson wasn’t referring to the cartoon character’s “race” then what is the “black” comparison to the President? I mean, if Felix is simply wearing black “clothes” then maybe he was referring to the President’s wardrobe. He does wear a lot of black suits.

“President Barack Obama REMINDS me of Felix the cat…Felix was not only BLACK (emphases mine)..”
How can anybody interpret this quote as not alluding to the fact that Obama and Felix are both black?
What Gates said? Mysterious to any reasonable person re. what Professor Ferguson said.
I’m as flabbergasted as you are.

The problem Mr. Ferguson has is one of context – combined with the cartoon accompanying his piece, the item is a slur on the President.

The only equivalent would be if perhaps Mr. Ferguson were British, and could envision a caricature of Her Majesty as Snow White, or if he has ever run any similar piece on any other world leader in the FT.

I think I know the answer, and I certainly know whether the FT would have published such scurilousness.

Did this post have any purpose other that demonstrating the Liberal’s determination and ability to find offense in anything? And you accuse the Right of intolerance.

Too much politics and too little economics here lately.

I’ve become more and more disappointed with the quality and tone of this blog in recent months, mostly because of the ad hominem attacks, which I find dull, childish and off topic.

This post is the tipping point for me. I’ve deleted my bookmark to this page and removed it from my RSS reader.

There are just too many other more interesting things on the web to spend time here any more.

Good luck everyone. Enjoy the show.


Isn’t he a history professor at Harvard?

He has done some work for the PBS, I believe as a showman/host of a show about the Great Depression…



I have no argument with your contention that Ferguson is a poseur. His strategy is clearly to maximise his public exposure, and he’s relying on the hope that his undoubted intelligence will be enough to cover up where his education/information is incomplete.
Having said that, I think your reaction to the Felix comment was rooted mainly in your dislike of the man than in a rational analysis of that comment.

I have read his popular history of 20th Century conflict – The War of the World. It was provocative, but at the end I was left with the sense he was trying to fit the facts into a preconceived worldview. And you are right, his grasp of economics was at best pretty amateurish.

I took the time to read Professor Ferguson’s article– thanks for the link. You’re right: it would’ve read just as well if he said “Felix was very, very lucky.”

What bothers me about likening President Obama to Felix the Cat is the implication that he has avoided catastrophe only by dumb luck. As I see it, whatever mistakes the Obama administration might have made, the president has so far played a very unlucky hand with remarkable skill.

Chris in California August 18, 2009 · 2:09 am

Ferguson is truly pathetic. There are few historians who are as hungry for attention as he. BTW, he’s the model for the character “Irwin” in Alan Bennett’s “History Boys.” Check out the DVD and you’ll understand his neediness. His books aren’t that great either. Lot’s of recycled material from real historians of WWI.

I think your assessment of Ferguson is dead right.

His “Rothschilds” was very readable in terms of discussing the personalities and histories – but did very little to help the reader understand how the bank worked, in my view – to explain usefully how one particular family network was so successful. Now, here in the benighted UK, Ferguson has become a self-appointed explainer of the mysteries of finance, through “The Ascent of Money” etc – a big step backwards

‘I think he’s a poseur’.

Krugman hits the nail on the head.

I’m afraid electronic communications encourage disinhibition. A flame war has begun…