
The chemistry collection supports research and teaching across all aspects of the discipline including organic, inorganic, analytical, biological, and physical chemistry. We also collect materials related to interdisciplinary research including medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, green chemistry, crystallography, material chemistry, nuclear chemistry, computational chemistry, chemical biology, chemical information, chemical education, chemical engineering, geology, soil science, polymer chemistry, industrial chemistry, and chemical aspects of agriculture and the environment.  

In addition to research literature, we provide access to leading databases of chemical information where researchers can locate information about a variety of chemical compounds, their properties, and reactions. Among them are the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, SciFinder, and Reaxys.

We acquire print, monographs, and serials, but give preference to electronic formats. Materials are primarily in English with some Russian and Chinese journals. We will consider acquiring other languages by request.

Work up of a chemical reaction sketched on fume hood sash glass


Yulia Sevryugina in the Reference Reading Room
Yulia V Sevryugina

Chemistry Librarian
