Please report any problems you encounter when trying to connect to our databases, ebooks or ejournals.

We review and respond to connection problems from Monday to Friday, normally resolving most issues within 24 hours. In the meantime, try clearing your web browser cache or using a different browser (if you haven't done that already); we've found that fixes a lot of problems.

Note: For problems logging in to the library proxy for off-campus access, please use the Account Assistance form. For accessibility issues or concerns, use our Accessibility Feedback form or describe the issue in the Details box below.

Name of article/chapter, book, journal, database, or other resource
From where? *
Where were you working? *
What device were you using?
Enter any additional information, such as the URL of the broken link and the error message received. If you’re trying to access an ebook through an app, please tell us which app you’re using. The more information you provide, the easier it is for us to help.
Attach a single screenshot or other file if it's required to describe the problem
Contact information