This final quarter of 2020 was focused on several large projects continuing towards completion. SCR2020 and DC (below) are both expected to be ready for testing and deploy in the next quarter.

The Special Collections Registry refresh (SCR2020) is putting the final polish on the UI changes before enlisting another round of User Experience (UX) testers. Changes include a menu revision and swapping the User Interface framework, which should ease some of the minor-but-annoying problems confronting users.

We’ve been rebuilding the Bulk Import functionality for the Digital Collections (DC) system, improving reliability and making it more clear to the operator how things are progressing as the Metadata Initiatives team populates this registry.

Many groups on campus have been preparing for the WorkDay(WD) transition, and we have a few projects to contribute. We’ve re-fit our PatronLoad system (Patronage) to use the new WD data feeds to populate our list of Patrons in the Sierra catalog. We also created a job aid that transforms Sierra materials invoices into a format that can be imported into WD.

Our migration to a cloud infrastructure has continued as well – deployment workflow details, network and internetwork connections, and refinement of our methods to better align with our ideals of consistency.

We have also been actively honing our information security preparedness, both from actively scanning and patching vulnerabilities, to more long-term efforts of becoming more deliberate in our workflows.

This was also a quarter where we were able to take advantage of virtual conference and training opportunities: Cybersecurity Days, KubeConf, VueConf Toronto, LMSI iii, and certification for Digital Accessibility Manual Training.

There are lots of other things that we did too, like procuring and installing the hardware for the Sierra update, but I’m sure you get the idea by now.