Wikidata talk:WikidataCon 2021/Contribute/Community awards

The nomination phase is now closed. However, you can keep improving the description of projects below.

Infobox election edit

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Project links
Template:Infobox election
This project is a completely Wikidata powered template, that can run in any language, and covers [nearly?] all the elections possible. With a really complex ontology, it makes showing electoral results easy, a one-step-one-line code for users.
Why and how was this project developed?
This template is part of the Catalan Wikipedia effort to have automatic templates, but now is working in other languages. You have all the development discussion here.
Wikimedia integration
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
It integrates the election data into Wikipedia articles.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
We have tons of places where electoral results can be taken and, if correctly done, Wikidata can be a central hub for analysis of political data. This template and its ontology makes things simpler and more robust.

WikiProject COVID-19 edit

Group or users working on the project
WikiProject COVID-19 participants
Project links
Wikidata:WikiProject COVID-19
Volunteer response to improving content related to the COVID-19 pandemics on Wikidata.
Why and how was this project developed?
This project was developed to coordinate Wikidata contributors to agree on massive content production and data models. It has led to the development of automated processes to keep information updated.
Editing & Data Quality; Using & Querying data; Community building; Ecosystem; Basic social needs
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
This is a broad program, coordinating contributions from several editors, leading multiple programs.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
The collaborative ecosystem the WikiProject COVID-19 has sparked could be applied to different contexts, as it has provided a structure for how to coordinate our community collective action in an emergency response.

Lista de mortos e desaparecidos políticos na ditadura militar brasileira edit

Group or users working on the project
Joalpe and Ederporto.
Project links
Lista de mortos e desaparecidos políticos na ditadura militar brasileira at ptwiki.
This list is result of an extensive work of wikidatification and curation of four databases about the killed and politically disappeared people during the Brazilian military dictatorship from 1964 and 1985. This list was, to the best of my knowledge, the first automated list (by Listeria) to be featured in a Wikipedia and its query deals with language specifics such as dates and gendered words besides the complexity of the information modeled in Wikidata.
Why and how was this project developed?
This topic is of great relevance, and has been object of study for many decades. In 2014 the article was created based on one of the digital databases focused on the topic. There was a significative development of the subjects of the list in a Education Program and, in 2020, the list was fully automated using Wikidata metadata curated byt the ussers working on the list, turning Wikidata into a parameter of completness, consistency and correctness among the other databases for this type of metadata.
Editing & Data Quality; Using & Querying data
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
The modelation of the information of the items of the subjects of this list, considering three metrics (completeness, consistency and correctness) aligned with the retrievement of localized information in a non-English language following the Porutuguese Wikipedia Manul of Style fits both categories
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
The potential raised with the work behind this list and the list itself shows how Wikidata can act as perennial hub of knowledge and enrich multiple projects, regardless of the language of origin or political interests around the sources. edit

Group or users working on the project
Location of the group
one man project done on spare time
Project links / GITHUB bionomia / Bionomia ID (P6944)

Project to gather who collected and identified spieces.

Why and how was this project developed?


How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?


  • the system use Wikidata .....
  • the system use Wikidata Qnumber as identifier and maintain Qnumbers also when gettung merged....
  • .....
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
  • TBD

Item documentation template and the galaxy of embedded templates edit

Group or users working on the project
PAC2 in the last months and many contributors including TomT0m, Tacsipacsi, Verdy p, The-erinaceous-one, Sabelöga, etc.
Location of the group
Project links
Template:Item documentation, Template:Item classification, Template:TP administrative area, Template:TP award, Template:TP organization, Template:Generic queries for occupations, Template:Generic queries for positions, Template:Generic queries for actors, Template:Generic queries for filmmakers, Template:Generic queries for musicians, Template:Generic queries for authors.
Item documentation began in 2014 and has a long history. The goal is to add automatic documentation for items in Wikidata. In the past months, several templates have been embedded in the template. Some of them are based on the values of P31 such as Template:TP award. Some of them are specific to the value of P106 such as Template:Generic queries for filmmakers. Each time, you have generic queries which are very useful to learn more about the item.
Why and how was this project developed?
Item pages provide just a small part of informations about the item. For instance item pages about filmmakers don't provide any information on the filmography of the filmmaker. If you want to know more, you have to write SPARQL queries. But even with some training, it is difficult to write queries (imagine if you're using a smartphone). The item documentation template provides direct links to useful SPARQL queries. It is now super easy to find the list of award winners for an award, the movies with the greatest number of sitelinks for a filmmaker or an actor, the list of people born in a place ordered by number of sitelinks, etc. Furthermore there are some really magic queries. One of them gives all the claims whose item is the value. Another one (in Template:Item classification) give the most frequent properties for items of these class. Last but not least, Item documentation provides links to country-specific wikiprojects making it easy to reach the relevant community if you need to ask a question.
Editing & Data Quality; Using & Querying data;
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
Item documentation template makes exploration easier and make it possible to find inconsistencies.

Item documentation template makes it easier to discover Sparql for new users.

How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
It's a really easy way to look at the data, find insights and discover inconsistencies

User-level gender statistics for wikipedia edit

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Project links
Humaniki provides insight for the whole encyclopedia. On can learn that enwiki has about 19% of biographies about women. Frwiki is around 18.9%. Global statistics are good but what about your own statistics? I was curious to know more about the gender gap for all the articles I've created. I've first developed an R notebook using Wikidata:PAWS ( This has shown that my statistics were at the beginning of the year lower than the global ones!


Why and how was this project developed?
"User-level gender statistics for Wikipedia" is a notebook developed in Javascript using the Observable platform. It retrieves the list of articles created by a user using xtools pages created services and get the gender for each of them (value of sex or gender (P21)) using Wikidata's API. At the end, you've got a simple dataviz showing gender statistics for biographies you've created.
Gender equality
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
This tool helps you to measure the share of articles you've created about women. It is useful to get conscious of your own bias and is a powerful tool to change your behaviour. Personally, this has helped me focusing on articles about women.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
Knowledge equity is one of the big challenges for the Wikimedia movement. We need to be able to measure how our behaviour is biased against some minorised groups to change our behaviour. The Wikipedia movement will be sustainable if it is able to reduce the gender gap.

Gender diversity in Wikipedia articles edit

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Project links
User:PAC2/Gender diversity
In October 2020, I was working on w:fr:Économie (discipline) (aka economics) and wondering that all pictures were representing male economists. I've begun to add some references to female economists. In the beginning of 2021, I've discovered how to combine Wikipedia API and SPARQL queries to get the list of entities cited in an article with their gender (aka P21). I began to develop tools to measure gender diversity in each article. See for example w:fr:Utilisateur:PAC2/Chouette which adds a link at the bottom of each page to measure gender diversity.

Some early findings were surprising. For instance the article w:fr:Sociologie did not include any link to a woman.

So the question is : do we forget to cite women in Wikipedia articles about general topics? Are women underrepresented in those articles?

The next step was to run experiments. It wouldn't make any sense to compare all articles from Wikipedia. However if we focus to similar articles, the comparison is useful. Notebooks allow me to make some studies about a set of articles and get some insights. The first notebook focus on occupations (writer, economist, politician, etc) in frwiki. It show that in most of the case the proportion of women is lower than 10% ( The second notebook focus on academic disciplines ( Again the pattern is the same.

Why and how was this project developed?
The goal of the gender diversity project is to measure gender diversity at the article level. Right now it is a set of tools : SPARQL queries, Javascript user scripts, Templates and notebooks which makes it easy to explore this question. The goal is to make a set of experiments in frwiki and enwiki to get more insights on this topic and show that the gender gap is not only the number of articles about male and female but also how women are cited in general articles.
Gender equality.
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?

Humaniki and other tools focus on the number of articles by gender. This is only one part of the gender gap problem. We should also look at the distribution of gender inside the set of gendered entities in an article and ask ourselves if women are underrepresented or not.

How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
This project uses Wikidata to measure the gender gap in Wikidata in a new way. It contributes to a sustainable Wikimedia movement with more knowledge equity and show how Wikidata is useful to measure gender imbalances in Wikipedia.

Wikiproject Biodiversity edit

Group or users working on the project

Wikidata users: Wikidata:WikiProject_Biodiversity#Participants

Project links

The project aims at optimal reuse between datasources on biodiversity and the Wikimedia ecosystem. External communities and platform reuse content from Wikidata and its sister projects, while those platforms can provide high quality content to Wikidata and its sister projects. The project facilitates this cross-pollination by documenting use-cases and providing a platform to discuss the reuse of biodiversity data with Wikidata as a core hub.

Why and how was this project developed?
The project emerged in the margins of Wikimania 2018. While a group of wikimedians were exploring the nature near the venue they noticed that some were also active on another crowdsource initiative, called iNaturalist. This project build around an app, that allows taking images of biodiversity observations where its community assess and annotates these observations. A substantial amount of these observations come with reuse licenses that are compatible with the Wikimedia platforms. This was the main motivation to start the project that aims at optimizing the reuse of the available data and content between Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia and biodiversity (data) initiatives.
Wikimedia integration; Sustainable environment
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
  • Wikimedia integration: By reusing content on both Wikimedia platforms and external platforms we tab into two communities. This cross polination benefits the quality on both ecosystems.
  • Sustainable environment: Biodiversity is core to Sustainable environment. By improving content on our biodiversity, we increase the knowledge on the biodiversity around us, which help safeguard it better.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
Wikidata can only be sustainable if it content is widely used. Differently said, the more wikidata integrates with external resources, the more sustainable it becomes.

Wikidata Live Editing edit

Group or users working on the project
Abbe98 and Ainali
Project links
m:Wikipedia Weekly Network/Live Wikidata Editing and YouTube playlist
The project started when the pandemic stopped regular meetings, and has continued on a mostly weekly basis, with only some holiday periods. In essence, we stream one hour every Saturday, usually screen sharing half of the time each. We edit and talk about things we are currently working on or exploring/learning, or something that is a current or recurring event.
Why and how was this project developed?
It started as a substitute, but it is also an avenue for us to learn new things and share what we find with the community.
Editing & Data Quality; Using & Querying data; Community building; Wikimedia integration; Ecosystem. It also has a connection to SDG 4 - Quality Education.
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
The base of the show is to edit live, but most of the editing is related to quality. And in order to assess quality, querying is essential. We have also explored several ways of how to use the data in the Wikimedia projects, on other sites and how to import data. We try to highlight the importance of discussions and that Wikidata is a community built project. The connection to SDG 4 is that this is an experiment in providing other methods for learning than what has been traditional in the movement from which the learnings could also extend well beyond the movement.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
By sharing what we know, we hope to decentralize the knowledge. We also hope that our enthusiasm about Wikidata can get more people deeply involved with the project and share the joy of seeing it improve over time.

"From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata" Course at Tel Aviv University edit

Group or users working on the project
Shani Evenstein, as leading educator; the Tel Aviv University undergraduates; and guest lecturers for the global streaming sessions
Location of the group
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Project links
This is the first for-credit academic course in the world to feature Wikidata. Educators around the globe have used Wikidata as a means of assignment, but "From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata" is a course fully based on digital competencies and data literacy from the perspective of Wikidata. This course is available to all undergraduate students at the Tel Aviv University in Israel since 2018 and so far 145 students have participated in it. Thirty-nine videos from leading Wikidata community members were produced and made available on YouTube under an open license for broader dissemination. Guest lecturers included: Asaf Bartov, Lydia Pintscher, Andrew Lih, Jane Darnell, Navino Evans, Martin Poulter, João Alexandre Peschanski, Ewan McAndrew, Daniel Mietchen, Mark Graham and Denny Vrandecic.
Why and how was this project developed?
This course is an unfolding of previous courses covering Wikimedia projects at TAU, since 2013. This course emerges to some extent as a synthesis of discussions and smaller processes of connecting Wikidata and education around the globe.
Data Literacy
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
This is the first for-credit academic course in the world to feature Wikidata
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
On the one hand, "From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata" is a clear step forward in featuring Wikidata as an open educational resource. On the other hand, the course contributes to envisioning and coming up with a robust strategy for having Wikidata as an essential element in academia.

WikiProject Govdirectory edit

Group or users working on the project
Project links
Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory and
The project aims to become a global, user-friendly directory of government agencies and their online presence by utilizing Wikidata.
Why and how was this project developed?
Wikidata has many government agencies, the possibility to structure them and to store contact details. This could be improved even more, because even though there are a lot of data there, massive cleanup is needed, and some more data need to be added to make it useable. However, even when data is complete, navigating this is hard, and the query service is a separate beast to handle. Therefore, much could be won by displaying the subset of the data in an optimized way.
Editing & Data Quality; Using & Querying data; Community building; Ecosystem; Data Literacy; Sustainable institutions: SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
The project is really focused on getting subsets of data "complete" by editing and improving the quality by comparing with external sources. We ensure the data by creating a number of queries to be able to compare smaller parts with external data with good overview. Queries are also used to explore what data is already in Wikidata in order to avoid duplicates. Structuring the entire world cannot be done by a few users, so we need to make this a community effort, and thus we create plenty of guidelines and templates. We are also working on some user scripts that will make it easier to add contact points to the agencies. It creates a mini ecosystem as an external reuser of data, which in some ways reveals how data in Wikidata can be improved more by putting it in a context. It has also revealed that some official sources was out of date and after notifying them, they have also improved the data. While opening up data based on Wikidata to an entirely new audience, along with an Edit on Wikidata button, we hope that some more people will become aware of that editing Wikidata is possible. The vision of the project is directly influenced by SDG 16.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
It mostly connects to Data quality, as this gradually improves the data by checking it against external sources. For now we use watchlists and listeria to watch changes, but we plan to make tooling that will make it even easier to monitor changes for a given subset of Wikidata. It's also the type of data that is constantly changing, so we plan to create systems that will enable users to see when there is a mismatch between official data and what's in Wikidata.

Wikidata justice Nigeria edit

Group or users working on the project
Benedict Udeh
Project links
The project is a 5weeks series of edit-a-thon/awareness project targeted at recruiting new Wikidata editors and engaging the existing/previously recruited editors. The project also focused on Improving/increasing the number of Nigerian Judges on wikidata's database.
Why and how was this project developed?
After the 2019 wiki-Indaba that was held in Nigeria, Benedict Udeh realised there were few Nigerians who were involved in the Wikimedia movement and even fewer knew what Wikidata was all about. He then took it upon himself to train his community on everything Wikidata. This project is the latest project in the series of projects he has planned to achieve his goal of having more wikidata editors thereby building a huge community around wikidata.
Community building
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
This project is one of Benedict Udeh's series of Wikidata community development project that seeks to not just improve Nigerian contents on Wikidata but also recruit new editors as well as engage/mentor editors on how to use/contribute to Wikidata. With this project alone, over 20 new editors were recruited. the project was also a medium to engage other editors that were recruited during the previous projects. So yes the project is very much community oriented as it has also birthed a new community of editors called Ig Wikidata Hub which is affiliated with the Igbo Wikimedians User Group.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
For Wikidata to exist in the first place, it requires volunteers and to sustain or guarantee the future of Wikidata, Engagement of existing Volunteers as well as recruitment of new editors are required. This project does all that and even more.

WikiProject Performing arts edit

Group or users working on the project There are over 30 participants connected to this project in various capacities. They are listed under “Wikidata: WikiProject Performing arts/Participants at

Project links

Background This project was launched in 2017 as a side product of a project by the Swiss Theatre Collection and the Swiss Dance Archive in cooperation with the Bern University of Applied Sciences. The two organizations are merging and preparing for the acquisition of a new database solution. As part of the preparatory work, a data model is being developed that allows the describing of the data of the two institutions, and some of the data is test-migrated to linked data, making it available through a SPARQL endpoint. In parallel, a student at the Bern University of Applied Sciences is exploring ways to ingest parts of the data also into Wikidata.

Why and how was this project developed? The aim of the present project is to create the world’s most complete high-quality database of performing arts productions, literary and artistic works related to the performing arts (theatre plays, musical compositions, choreographic works), performing arts companies, and performing arts professionals. WikiProject - Performing Arts covers all genres of the performing arts (including theatre, dance, cabaret, and music performances) and is intended to eventually supersede the WikiProject Theatre that preceded it, but is slightly narrower in scope. It also covers the artifacts that are typically collected by heritage institutions in relation to performing arts productions, documenting their conception, their realization, and their reception to the extent that the modelling of these artifacts is not already covered by other WikiProjects.

The project more specifically serves to coordinate the following activities:

  • the creation of an inventory of all existing public databases that contain data about performing arts productions, literary and artistic works related to the performing arts, as well as organizations and people active in the field of performing arts;
  • the implementation and maintenance of ontologies and multilingual thesauri relating to the performing arts;
  • the documentation of recommended properties recommended values and usage instructions for Wikidata performing arts items;
  • the ingestion of data about performing arts productions into Wikidata;
  • the enhancement and completion of such data;
  • the use of the data to create maintenance lists on Wikipedia;
  • the inclusion of the data into Wikipedia and its sister projects, such as in infoboxes or lists.

Categories Editing & Data Quality; Using & Querying data; Community building; Ecosystem;

How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)? The project is connected to the chosen categories in the following ways:

  • This project can give a boost to more standardized modelling of performing arts data
  • Has created a community that actively discusses the expanded and validated model for populating performing arts-related items in Wikidata.
  • Contribute to an increase in the accuracy and the number of performing arts items in Wikidata and provides details on how the community can actively contribute to the project (detailed under “Ways to Contribute” at
  • It is driven by the arts community itself and is connected/positioned to involve many diverse arts organizations in curating Wikidata entries.
  • It puts data quality above quantity, thus laying a solid foundation for further work to build upon it;

How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?

  • This project and its connections to other initiatives such as CAPACOA’s Linked Digital Future Initiative actively encourages the contribution of data sets related to the performing arts to Wikidata and provides the training to develop new Wikidata users and editors that in turn enriches and expands on the accuracy and diversity of Wikidata knowledge related to the topic of performing arts.
  • As the same sets of classes, properties and values are used in a consistent fashion through the work of this project, Wikidata will deliver more value to data users as well and can position Wikidata as a key base register in a decentralized linked data ecosystem for the performing arts.
  • Proactively addresses potential performing arts data modelling issues by providing a “community hub” that connects key players at the international level to collaborate and envision solutions to data modelling issues.

Swedish Riksdag documents edit

Group or users working on the project
Wikiproject Sweden participants
Project links
The goal of the project is to continuously import and enrich official documents from Parliament of Sweden (Q272930). Prior to this project, there had been smaller efforts to model subsets of the data. At this point, we have almost complete coverage of most document types, spanning from 1971 (when the Swedish parliament took its current one-chamber form) to 2021.
The project also connects to other efforts, such as Swedish court decisions that often contain references to parliamentary documents.
Why and how was this project developed?
One of the main purposes of the project is to make Swedish politics more accessible to the general public. Having the documents in Wikidata means we can ask a ton of interesting questions, such as 1) what were the most common themes in parliamentary motions at any given year? 2) which politicians have been the most active drafting motions and questions? 3) which politicians collaborate the most/least with member of opposing parties in the parliament? etc. etc.
The data is programmatically imported in batches at semi-regular intervals. It is then further enriched by volunteers tagging the documents using the main subject (P921) property. This tagging process has been improved by the tool ItemSubjector
Editing & Data Quality; Sustainable institutions: SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
The project has been mainly been adding and connecting data. In order to import the documents and assign the authors correctly, we had to add and clean up items about parliamentarians. The SDG 16 is really connected since the politics gets visualized and connections clearer when they can get queried, for example when we can find [ Swedish Supreme Court judges who citing reports by parliamentarian commissions they themselves took part in.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
By making connections to other items, often problems with data quality are discovered. This can be adding topics, connecting items to cited works or events that caused them (or that they caused).

WikiProject Music edit

Group or users working on the project
Project links
As a mere lurker on their Telegram channel (and quite recent at that), I have no special insight in the history of the project ; I have however been witness of the high-quality discussions and work undertaken by the project. "Inspiring" can be an overused word, although that’s how being on their Telegram feels (sometimes just skimming, often carefully reading) and seeing people doing the good work, and most of the time, having a good time doing it.
Why and how was this project developed?
Editing & Data Quality; Community building;
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
  • The members of WikiProject Music model and re-model the items on their domain (whether it’s albums, singles, genres, etc.). They anchor their thinking and decisions on deep knowledge of the music industry, keen analysis of the modeling used in external databases (whether commercial or community-curated), and observation of other domains on Wikidata. They confront how various languages and cultures deal with music releases.
  • They replicate some best practices and successes of other wikiprojects, and if need ask other users for help to cater to their needs − making statistics dashboards by the kilogram, and having a dedicated UI-enhancement user-script).
  • They are keen users of a Telegram channel for fast communication − while it can have some drawbacks, they are easily outweighed in my opinion by the advantages, and the work throughput so-enabled speaks for itself. They also pioneer using a Phabricator project for coordination, which I don’t believe I have seen anywhere else.
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
The "Music" scope is an interesting middle-ground in terms of size − for example they are currently dealing with 270K album items and 100K single − nowhere near the multi-million chemical elements, but still high-enough to warrant a mix of manual editing and automation. The workflows and tool usage they develop can be replicated and adapted to other domains, and a lesson to other similarly sized wikiprojects. edit

Group or users working on the project
Project links
vglist helps users track their video game library across every store and platform − not the only of such service, but this one bases its data from Wikidata
Why and how was this project developed?
How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
vglist was, as far as I know, the first significant reuser of Wikidata’s video game data. But as in a true ecosystem, vglist helps Wikidata in return − being a showcase and frontend to the data, and highlighting some data issues such as duplicates.

WikiTree edit

(submitted after the final date)

Group or users working on the project
Location of the group
The project checks every week abt 250 000 people connected using WikiTree person ID (P2949). Then the result is displayed in WikiTree and the Data Doctor project. A check is done with > 200 rules if the data is correct and if we have a diff people will work with them. Example Data_Doctors_Report_2021-10-24
Project links

This project started in 2016 and is an excellent example of added values connecting different sources with "same as" d=652 video]

Why and how was this project developed?
  • Its a hallmark of good integration with Wikidata

Ecosystem Quality

How is this project connected to the chosen category(ies)?
  • the system use Wikidata and connects two different domains
How is this project connected to the topic of the conference “a sustainable future for Wikidata”?
  • Showing possibilities connecting with Wikidata and how Wikidata get value by good quality genealogy data

Any news from this award? edit

I was expecting the results to be announced last weekend during WikidataCon. Do you know if the award has been cancelled or postponed? PAC2 (talk) 21:31, 4 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

They were announced (but unfortunately not here). It starts here in the video or you can watch all the awards in the Commons category. Ainali (talk) 23:03, 4 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your answer PAC2 (talk) 07:17, 5 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
The slides are here PAC2 (talk) 07:35, 5 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
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