In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • from “Random By” (Process on Source), and: From “Una página de Babel” (Process on Source), and: from “Use of Dust” (Process on Source)
  • Nick Montfort (bio)

from “Random By” (Process on Source)

body {
[“quiet at her window”, 6],
[“fuck life”, 1],
[“but harmless”, 1], = “rgb(“ + r + “,” + g + “,” + b + “)”;
          overflow: visible;
[“went down”, 3],
<body onload=”go();”>
[“own other living soul”, 1],
[“in the end”, 1],
     g = g - 1;
[“mother rocker”, 1],
[“for a blind up”, 1],
                height: 1px;
/*]]> */
[“dead one night”, 1],
[“no”, 3],
[“one other living soul”, 4],
[End Page 151]
[“went back in”, 1],
[“saying to herself”, 3],
<title>Random By</title></head>
[“whom else”, 7],
[“and rocked”, 2],
[“facing other windows”, 5],
[“never mind a face”, 1],
[“dead one day”, 1],
[“let down the blind and stopped”, 1],
[“another creature like herself”, 1],
[“head fallen”, 1],
   if (duration > 0) {
[“to and fro”, 1],
[“all eyes”, 7],
[“was her own other”, 1],
         for (i=0; i<pair[1]; i++) {
[“in the end went down”, 2],
function stream() {
[“closing eyes”, 1],
[End Page 152]
[“to herself”, 5],
[“in the end went back in”, 1],
[“those arms at last”, 2],
[“till the day came”, 2],
[“the day came”, 2],y
[“gone off her head”, 1],
   var pair, i, duration;
   margin: auto;
[“all eyes like herself”, 1],
[“at her window”, 6],
   streaming = window.setInterval(stream, 1900);
[“in the rocker”, 1],
   return duration;
function parameter() {
<style type=”text/css”>
<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8” />
[End Page 153]

From “Una página de Babel” (Process on Source)

[End Page 154]

[End Page 155]

[End Page 156]

[End Page 157]

from “Use of Dust” (Process on Source)

<        Strict
 A House of Dust
   a 1967 program by Alison Knowles and James Tenney
   to use,  modify, and
           ARISING OUT OF
[End Page 158]
    *   *
    material =   SAND
[End Page 159]
                  parent                             LATE
UNDERWATER               =         =                                                         =
=                                             =               
[End Page 160]
=                                                      =                              =
=                                                                     =
=                                                         =   
=                                                                                       =
=                                                       =
=                                                                             =
                              choose                         choose   
                                                choose inhabitants
               last   text
                         [End Page 161]
   13 March 2015
   this erasure
   all the text and see [End Page 162]

Nick Montfort

Nick Montfort develops computational art and poetry. He teaches at MIT, has a naming firm, Nomnym, and wrote #! and more than fifty digital projects, including collaborations The Deletionist and Sea and Spar Between. Has has five MIT Press books, with Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities just out.


