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Foreword The name Hermeneia, Greek EpJJ:rwda. has been chosen as the title for the commentary series to which this volume belongs. The word Hermeneia has a rich background in the history of biblical interpretation as a term used in the ancient Greek-speaking world for the detailed, systematic exposition of a scriptural work. It is hoped that the series, like the name, will carry this old and venerable tradition forward. A second, entirely practical reason for selecting the name lay in the desire to avoid a long descriptive title and its inevitable acronym or worse, an unpronounceable abbreviation. The series is designed to be a critical and historical commentary to the Bible without arbitrary limits in size or scope. It will utilize the full range ofphilological and historical tools including textual criticism (often ignored in modern commentaries ), the methods of the history of tradition (including genre and prosodic analysis), and the history ofreligion. Hermeneia is designed for the serious student of the Bible. It will make full use of ancient Semitic and classical languages; at the same time English translations of all comparative materials, Greek, Latin, Canaanite, or Akkadian, will be supplied alongside the citation of the source in its original language. The aim is to provide the student or scholar in so far as possible with the full critical discussion ofeach problem of interpretation and with the primary data upon which the discussion is based. Hermeneia is designed to be international and interconfessional in the selection of its authors, and is so represented on its board ofeditors. On occasion, distinguished commentaries in languages other than English will be published in translation. Published volumes of the series will be revised continually, and eventually new commentaries will be assigned to replace older works in order that the series can be open-ended. Commentaries are also being assigned for important literary works falling in the categories of apocryphal and pseudepigraphical works of the Old and New Testament, including some of Essene or Gnostic authorship. The editors ofHermeneia impose no systematic-theological perspective (directly or indirectly by the selection of authors) upon the series. It is expected that authors will struggle fully to lay bare the ancient meaning of a biblical work or pericope. In this way its human relevance should become transp(\rent as is the case ahvays in competent historical discourse. However, the series eschews for itself homiletical translation of the Bible. The editors are under a heavy debt to Fortress Press for the energy and courage shown in taking up an expensive and long project the rewards ofwhich will accrue chiefly to the field of biblical scholarship. The translator of this volume is the Reverend Dr. 1ames W. Leitch ofBasel, Switzerland. Mr. 1ames W. Dunkly of Weston College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, is responsible for all bibliographic and reference materials in the footnotes, Reference Codes, and final Bibliography. His diligence in seeking out translations of ancient and modern lite'i:ature and in verifying citations has been of great assistance to the Volume Editor, ix November 1974 X The editor responsible for this volume is George W. MacRae, S.J., ofHarvard University. Frank Moore Cross, Jr. For the Old Testament Editorial Board Helmut Koester For the New Testament Editorial Board ...
