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Introduction1 1. The Text1 Byzantine readings. The first letter to the Corinthians has been preserved on papyrus;3 Papyrus 46 (Chester Beatty) contains the whole epistle.4 For the establishing, not of the original text, but of the archetype Zuntz develops the following principles. The position in regard to the transmission of the text is inherently the same as in the rest of the Pauline epistles. There are three weU-known textual types: (1) the "Egyptian" or "Alexandrian," which is represented above all by p46 and p 11 (in both cases with certain limitations ), by the majuscules NBC, by the minuscules The compass of the Western text is to be defined narrowly : the text ofD and G and citations by the early Latin Fathers. This Zuntz regards as the unedited text of the second century. In criticism, we have to note that there are assimilations in this text. 8 From the Alexandrian text Zuntz separates a "protoAlexandrian " group: p46, 9 B, 1739, Coptic, Clement 33 and 1739;5 (2) the "Western," represented by D F G, the Old Latin, the Church Fathers;6 (3) the "Byzantine," also called "Koine" or "Reichstext." Special significance attaches to the oldest witness, of Alexandria, Origen. Between the two types there is no direct relationship. Where they agree, therefore, they take us back to a very early stage. The resulting rules are (numbered by me): p46. 'It belongs to the Alexandrian type, but displays also Western readings which have in part been corrected in terms of the Alexandrian type. This proves the early existence of these types in Egypt and the early rise of textual criticism there. In addition there are occasional 1. Agreement between the proto- Alexandrian and Western texts, which is almost always genuine. 2. Western alone, which is hardly ever genuine. Introduction to the New Testament, founded by Paul Feine and Johannes Behm, re-ed. Werner Georg Kiimmel, tr. A.J. Mattill,Jr. (New York and Nashville : Abingdon, 1966), 198-205 [198-206]. In addition to the literature listed there, see also Bruce M. 5 Metzger, Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul, NTIS, 1 (Leiden: Brill; Grand Rapids: Eerd- 6 mans, 1960). 2 For bibliography on the text see the following: Kurt Aland et al. (eds.), The Greek New Testament (Stutt- 7 gart: United Bible Societies, 1966, 21968), xlix-lv; Hans Lietzmann, An die Romer, HNT, 8 (Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 41933), 1-18; G. Zuntz, The Text of the Epistles, Schweich Lectures, 1946 (London: Oxford University Press, 1953), 765769 ; Heinrich Vogels, H..andbuch der Textkritik des Neuen Testaments (Bonn: Hanstein, 2 1955);Jean Duplacy, Oil en est Ia critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament ? (Paris: Gabalda, 1959); Frederic G. Kenyon, The Text ofthe Greek Bible, Studies in Theology (London: Duckworth, 2 1949); Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament (New York and London : Oxford University Press, 2 1968); Kurt Aland, Studien z;ur Dberlieferung des Neuen Testaments und seines Textes, Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung, 2 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1967). 8 3 Parts of 1 Cor are contained in seven papyri, among 9 them two early ones; see Aland, Studien, 95. For an overview of the texts from 1 Cor, see ibid., 97. Aland dates p 46 ca. 200 and p 15 in the third century (ibid., 104f, 112, 124). 4 N . B. p 11 and p68, ibid., 137-154 (text). p 11 contains 1:17-20, 2G-22; 2:9f, 11f, 14; parts of chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. In addition, p14 (from the same papyrus as p11?) has 1:25-27; 2:6-8; 3:8- 10, 20. p68 has 4:1217 and 4:19-5:3. The other papyri are p34 and p61. 1739 is notable for having preserved in Rom the text of Origen. Metzger, Text, 214, includes the Greek Fathers to the end of the third century and the Syrian Fathers to ca. 450. Examples of the noteworthy peculiarities of p46 : (1) abbreviations in 8:1-6: p46omits n in v 2 with Tert Orig Ambst Hi!; TOll 8Eov in v 3 with Cl; inr' avTov in the same verse with Cl N• 33; ciXX' in v 6 with B. (2) 13:4freads: ~ a-ya11"'11J.aKpo8up.EL XP'lO"TEVETaL ~ ci-ya11"'7 ov t11Xo'i ov 1l"Ep1l"EpEvETaL ~ ci-ya11"17 ov rJ>uutovTaL ovK Evux'lIJ .~ ov t'1TEL TO tauTfjs (3) 15:2 reads: OL ou KaL uwtEu8E TLVL Xo-yw EU'l'YI 'YEALua...
