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RIT Press
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RIT Press is the not-for-profit scholarly book publishing enterprise at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). RIT Press is dedicated to the innovative use of new publishing technology while upholding high standards in content quality, publication design, and print/digital production. The Press offers specialized titles for niche academic audiences, trade editions for mass-market audiences, books on subjects of regional interest, occasional limited editions with unique aesthetic standards, as well as gift items.
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41 results found
  1. The Aries Press of Eden, N.Y. cover
  2. Arthur Singer cover
  3. Becoming Visible cover
  4. The Bentons cover
  5. Bob Davies cover
  6. The Comics Scare Returns cover
  7. Communicating Knowledge Visually cover
  8. Crafting Democracy cover
  9. The Dark Night Returns cover
  10. Elaine Lustig Cohen cover