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Southern Association for College Student Affairs
Southern Association for College Student Affairs
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The Southern Association for College Student Affairs (SACSA) is an independent, regional, and generalist association designed for the professional development of practitioners, educators, and students engaged in the student affairs profession. SACSA is committed to being the preeminent generalist organization for practitioners, educators, and students engaged in the student affairs profession. The mission of the organization is to advance opportunities for professional development; scholarship, research, and ethical practice; and understanding of issues impacting students and the student affairs profession, while fostering our core values of inclusiveness, professionalism, and collegiality. The core values represent the ideals on which SACSA was built and they continue to guide the association’s efforts to meet the needs of the student affairs professionals and affiliates in the south. The core values of inclusiveness, professionalism, and collegiality permeate all governance, decisions, operations and activities of the association.
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