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Punctum Books
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punctum books, originally founded in Brooklyn, New York in 2011, and with editorial offices in Santa Barbara (USA) and The Hague (Netherlands), is an independent, not-for-profit, public benefit corporation registered in Santa Barbara, California. We are an open-access publisher dedicated to radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry and writing across a whimsical para-humanities assemblage (in which assemblage you will find humanists keeping rowdy and thought-provoking company with social scientists, scientists, multi/media specialists, artists, architects, and designers). We have a special fondness for neo-traditional and unconventional scholarly work that productively twists and/or ignores academic norms, with a special emphasis on books that fall length-wise between the article and the monograph—id est, novellas, in one sense or another. We also take in strays of any variety. This is a space for the imp-orphans of your thought and pen, an ale-serving church for little vagabonds.
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237 results found
  1. After the "Speculative Turn": Realism, Philosophy, and Feminism cover
  2. The Afterlife of Genre: Remnants of the Trauerspiel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer cover
  3. Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities cover
  4. And Another Thing: Nonanthropocentrism and Art cover
  5. Anglo-Saxon(ist) Pasts, postSaxon Futures cover
  6. The Anguished and the Enchanted cover
  7. Animal Emotions cover
  8. Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Ethics and Objects cover
  9. Annotations to Geoffrey Hill's Speech! Speech! cover
  10. The Anthology of Babel cover