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University College London
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UCL Press is the first fully Open Access University Press in the UK. It seeks to use modern technologies and 21st-century means of publishing/dissemination radically to change the prevailing models for the publication of research outputs. Grounded in the Open Science/Open Scholarship agenda, UCL Press seeks to make its published outputs available to a global audience, irrespective of their ability to pay, because UCL believes that this is the best way to tackle global Grand Challenges such as poverty, disease, hunger.
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144 results found
  1. Ableism in Academia cover
  2. Ancient Knowledge Networks cover
  3. Anthropology of Landscape cover
  4. Archaeologists in Print cover
  5. Architecture and Fire cover
  6. Arcticness cover
  7. Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education cover
  8. Being Modern cover
  9. Being Young, Male and Muslim in Luton cover
  10. Bentham and the Arts cover