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Last Updated: Sunday, 20 April, 2003, 15:02 GMT 16:02 UK
Kidman named fashion icon
Nicole Kidman
Kidman won best dramatic actress at the Golden Globes
Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman has been named as the winner of the 2003 Fashion Icon Award by the Council of Fashion Designers America (CDFA).

The Australian star was selected by a committee representing more than 450 designers, retailers and fashion writers.

She will receive the award at a gala ceremony at the New York Public Library on 2 June.

Previous winners have included Lauren Bacall, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Elizabeth Taylor.

"Nicole Kidman's style, both on and off the screen, has had an undeniable impact on fashion," said Peter Arnold, executive director of CFDA.

"As an actress, she has developed her many memorable characters with an innate understanding of the artistry of clothes.

"At the same time, she has elegantly established her personal style and own iconic presence worldwide," he added.

Kidman, 35, won a best actor Oscar this year for her portrayal of the writer Virginia Woolf.

Playing the depressed author meant Kidman had to wear dowdy costumes and a prosthetic nose, which rendered her almost unrecognisable.

But she shone at the Academy Awards, wearing an understated black dress which reflected the low-key tone of the ceremony.

Kidman, who is divorced from actor Tom Cruise, has also starred in Moulin Rouge and The Others.

She will next be seen opposite Jude Law in the adaptation of the novel Cold Mountain.

Dressing for the Oscars
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Kidman: Hollywood's golden girl
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Cruise and Kidman: In pictures
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