Queer / Trans / Digital

This interdisciplinary series features scholarship that connects queer and transgender issues with digital media and digital technologies. It emphasizes intersectional lenses, foregrounding work that explores topics such as race, disability, and colonialism as co-constituted with gender and sexuality. Across both the humanities and social sciences, contemporary research is increasingly turning to digital media objects and online spaces as key sites for understanding identity and power, both in the present technological moment and across the history of computing. This series embraces this turn by offering a dedicated platform for work that explores the digital in relation to sexuality, gender, desire, and community. Focusing on critical, cultural studies approaches to the social issues that surround technology, this series welcomes work that seeks to understand digital media and digital cultures created about, for, or by queer and transgender people, who are simultaneously working at the forefront of technological innovation and experiencing ongoing and shifting forms of digital oppression. 

We especially encourage Black and Indigenous scholars and scholars of color to submit to our series.


Bonnie “Bo” Ruberg, University of California, Irvine, [email protected]

Amanda Phillips, Georgetown University, [email protected]

micha cárdenas, University of California, Santa Cruz, [email protected]


Submissions should take the form of a 3-5 page proposal outlining the intent and scope of the project, its merits in comparison to existing texts, and the audience it is designed to reach. You should also include a detailed Table of Contents, 2-3 sample chapters, and a current copy of your curriculum vitae. Please contact the General Editors or Eric Zinner at NYU Press if you are interested in submitting a proposal.