Individual support

The Assistance Desk of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) provides financial and administrative assistance to professional journalists and citizen-journalists who have been the victims of reprisals because of their reporting.

Helping professional and citizen-journalists who have been the victims of reprisals

In cooperation with other NGOs that support journalists and defend human rights, RSF helps:

  • the victims of violence connected with their reporting to obtain appropriate medical care
  • wrongfully prosecuted journalists to pay their legal fees
  • threatened journalists to find a safe refuge
  • journalists to resolve their most urgent needs if they decide to flee abroad because of threats and persecution
  • families of journalists to cope with the consequences of the reprisals to which their loved-ones have been exposed.

When the results of its research allows, RSF may also support applications for international protection or asylum submitted by professional journalists and citizen-journalists who have fled their country. RSF tries to document their history and the problems to which they have been exposed and passes on the results of its research to the entities responsible for considering their applications. RSF points out that it plays no decision-making role in this process.

Because of the large number of requests, RSF is not in a position to respond favourably to all the legitimate applications it receives.

How to apply to RSF for support

Requests by individuals, NGOs or media outlets for assistance should be sent to:

Reporters Without Borders

Assistance Desk

CS 90247

75083 Paris Cedex 02



  • assistance(a) (+33 1 4483 6056): for NGO and media outlet requests for assistance
  • assistance2(a) (+33 1 4483 8466): for individual requests for assistance
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