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Kansas City Public Schools
2901 Troost Ave.
Kansas CityMO 64109
Phone: (816) 418-7000
Board Members
Our Mission
The mission of KCPS is to achieve, in a way that is unencumbered by excuses, our vision for education by ensuring that all children benefit from teaching and learning. The school district will do this through:
  • Inquiry-based instruction that involves active-learning, and is project-oriented, collaborative, and facilitated by meaningful professional development
  • Successful instructional settings where teachers continually coach each child to develop deep understanding and educational proficiency, while meeting all Adequate Yearly Progress goals
  • Cooperative planning among principals and teachers to ensure attainment of district goals
  • Substantial autonomy to each learning community
Our Vision
KCPS envisions its schools as places where every student will develop a deep understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue higher education, obtain family-supporting employment, contribute to the civic well-being of the community, and have the opportunity for a rewarding and fulfilling life.

Core Values
  • Provide quality education for our students
  • Prepare students to be college and career-ready
  • Energize leaders
  • Empower teachers
  • Engage our parents and community
  • Advocate on behalf of all students
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