
Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of March 22

In a March 26 Future Tense, Riley Davis misidentified NYU’s Division of Medical Ethics as the Division of Bioethics.

In a March 26 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misspelled Zack Beauchamp’s first name.

In a March 25 Politics, Alex Yablon misspelled Zaid Jilani’s last name.

In a March 24 Moneybox, Jordan Weissmann misidentified Clare McCann as Clare McCann Miller.

In a March 23 Future Tense, Matt Perault misstated that news publishers can be liable when they serve as hosts for content. News publishers can use Section 230 as a defense against being liable when they serve as hosts for content.

In a March 22 Downtime, Heather Schwedel misstated that Elvis Presley got the polio vaccine on live TV. He got the vaccine in front of journalists and photographers before an appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.

In a March 18 Movies, Sam Adams misstated that a folk song in Zack Snyder’s Justice League was Norwegian. The song is in Icelandic.

In a Sept. 10, 2014, Bad Astronomy, Phil Plait misattributed a photo of him and Amy Davis Roth to Amy Davis Roth. It was taken by Hanna Coy.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections associated with each article.