The Missing Men in Your Family Tree

“Is There Anything Good About Men?” Roy Baumeister asked the American Psychological Association, and he came up with a few suggestions. My post about the speech generated lots of comments and questions — and, I was glad to see, not too many knee-jerk denunciations from readers angry to see anyone suggest that gender differences aren’t due simply to oppression by patriarchal males. Dr. Baumeister, a social psychologist at Florida State University, told me he was glad to see such a stimulating discussion, and he’s written a response to the readers. So has has one of the researchers he was citing, Jason Wilder, a biologist at Williams College.

Let’s start with an assertion in the speech that troubled many readers: we have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors. Dr. Baumeister called it the “single most underappreciated fact about gender.” Critics responded that it couldn’t be true because every child has a father and a mother. Some readers acknowledged that we might collectively have fewer male ancestors than female ancestors, but they insisted that any individual must have an equal number of males and females in his family tree. And a lot of readers demanded to see the evidence for the assertion.

Rest assured that neither Dr. Baumeister nor I believes in virgin birth. It does indeed take two to tango. But we still have more female ancestors. Before getting to Dr. Baumeister’s explanation, let’s hear from Jason Wilder, a biologist at Williams College who came up with some of the genetic evidence cited by Dr. Baumeister. (You can read a paper by Dr. Wilder here.) And here’s Dr. Wilder’s response to the comments by disbelieving Lab readers:

I’ve run into all sorts of problems when explaining our finding that the breeding sex ratio is skewed in favor of women. (The most common response: “More women have children than men? Duh, of course.”) I’ll explain very briefly the methodology of our study and how we interpret the results.

In a nutshell, we examined the amount of genetic variability on the Y chromosome (which is inherited by males solely from fathers) and mitochondrial DNA (inherited in both sexes solely from the mother). According to population genetic theory, the amount of variation observed among any set of chromosomes surveyed in a population is proportional to two factors, the rate of mutation and the size of the population (in terms of numbers of reproducing individuals). If we factor out differences in the rate of mutation, then any leftover difference in the amount of variation between two samples of chromosomes should be due to differences in the sizes of the populations from which they are sampled. Applying this method, we were able to estimate the relative size of the female and male human populations (from mitochondrial and Y chromosome variation, respectively). We found that the breeding sex ratio is about two females per male.

On average (and over evolutionary time), any given human female has been more likely to reproduce than any given male. Said another way, males have had a higher variance in reproductive success than females. As a consequence, more different females have contributed to the modern gene pool than males. Rather spectacular examples of this phenomenon have been inferred from historical times using genetic data. Asian conquerors (such as Genghis Khan and Giocangga) and their male relatives appear to have made a vastly disproportionate contribution to modern Asian populations. Niall of the Nine Hostages seems to have had a similar effect on the gene pool of the British Isles. These types of events, where one person (or set of related individuals) experiences tremendous reproductive success, can have an effect on the gene pool that lasts for many generations. On the other side of the equation, we have to infer that there are many more males than females who do not successfully reproduce at all.

So what does this mean for the number of males and females in any individual’s family tree? “I would argue,” Dr. Wilder replied, “that it is more likely that every individual has a greater number of unique female than male ancestors. I suspect that the trouble is in convincing people that their family trees do not continually bifurcate back in time. Ultimately the constraints of an historical breeding population of finite size causes reticulations in the tree. These reticulations will more often involve male than female ancestors.”

Now let’s hear from Dr. Baumeister on the questions over our ancestry:

Yes, each baby has one mother and one father, but it is nonetheless possible for combined ancestors to include more females than males. Here is a simple example. Suppose an island contains two men, Bob and James, and two women, Sally and Maria. Bob is rich and charming, while James is poor and uncouth, so both women marry Bob. James remains celibate. Soon, Sally gives birth to Doug, and Maria gives birth to Linda. Count the ancestors so far. Doug’s parents (Bob and Sally) are 50% female. Linda’s parents (Bob and Maria) are also 50% female. But added together, their parents are 67% female (Bob, Sally, and Maria).

Next, suppose Doug marries Linda and they have a baby named Max. Max himself now has more female than male ancestors: Linda, Doug, Bob, Sally, and Maria. Thus, it is possible even for one person to have a family tree that is not 50-50. This is true even though we started with equal numbers of males and females (but poor James was a dead end) and though each child has one mother and one father.

In actual life, incest taboos might have prevented Linda from marrying her half-brother, but if a couple generations had intervened, there would have been no objection. We have more female than male ancestors because of some men having multiple mates (and other men having none) and because of some mating partners having the same male ancestor.

Some of you wrote to ask for sources to look up. There was a fair amount of coverage in the popular media back around September 20, 2004 (e.g., “Ancient man spread the love around”), and you can still find those stories online or elsewhere. They explain the basic findings reasonably well. In contrast, the primary sources are quite technical to read. Look for works by Jason Wilder as first author (Nature Genetics, October 2004; Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2004) and a somewhat more accessible commentary by Mark Shriver in the European Journal of Human Genetics (2005). None of them really treats the psychological implications of the difference, focusing instead on the molecular biology of it and possible implications for demographic spread. But that’s part of what made me label the finding “the most underappreciated fact about gender.”

And as for the 80%-40% numbers, admittedly those are chosen somewhat arbitrarily. It could have been 60%-30% or 70%-35%. The only definite thing was that twice as many previously living women as men have descendants alive today. It depends a bit on how you count, especially because in the past a great many people died before adulthood (so you get higher proportions if you talk about all adults than if you talk about everyone who was born). The crucial implication was that for adult women, the odds of passing on genes were much better than for adult men, and so different strategies were needed.

Some of you wondered whether people really cared that much about having children. Were men taking risks in order to reproduce? This is a point that sometimes confuses people. Sure, there may have been many men and women who didn’t care whether they had children or even who actively wanted to avoid having children. (There still are!) The thing is, they did not leave many descendants. By definition, we are descended from people who did manage to reproduce. Maybe the risk-taking men had no thoughts of having children. But as long as they ended up having more children than the risk-avoiding men, then today’s descendants will have inherited the traits of the risk-seekers, not the risk-avoiders.

The cultural implications of this gender difference also sparked a lot of comments and questions from readers. I’ll present Dr. Baumeister’s response to them in a subsequent post.

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Your reasoning makes sense to me.

Isn’t there significance to the fact that in the past especially, many women died during childbirth? I think that would be a relevant part of this discussion–perhaps because men often remarried after this.

In the earlier discussion it was a central assertion that the ancestral sex skew in favour of females could be accomplished without resorting to breeding within ancestral lines (i.e. without incest or incest intervened by multiple generations). That assertion is not present in the current presentation.

REPLY FROM JOHN: I’m not sure what you mean by “incest intervened by multiple generations”, but if it’s marrying someone in your clan, then most people have ancestors who practiced it. Marrying a first or second or third cousin was routine for much of history.


What about the impact of warfare on the numbers of males that reach reproductive status? Seems to me this is huge factor in certain populations, such as post WW I France, England and Germany, for example.

These findings also emphasize a trend that continues today. In certain Muslim societies, some south Pacific nations, across Africa, southern Utah, and many U.S. communities it is not that unusual for one man to father many children with multiple female partners. Some people may find this fact distasteful but it is still very true and will continue to influence the genetic make-up (DNA) of the human race for centuries.

That’s the long way of saying humans have more male ancestors in common than female. I would think it would be the obvious conclusion once one hears that humans collectively have twice as many female ancestors than male.

Good thought, John. (comment #1) Seems plausible.

Mr. Tierney,

In Dr. Baumeister’s example, a man marries and reproduces with 2 women. In prehistory, this may have been the social model, a less extreme form of the Genghis Khan effect.

My question is whether this ratio of male to female descendants is still as low today in the modern era. In this era, most societies promote monogamy and permit a man to marry only one woman at a time. Under that constraint, how do men (generally) reproduce with more than 1 woman? Is there a widespread practice of men reproducing with 1 wife and 1 mistress? Are sperm banks having a measurable effect on the sex ratio of descendants?

Thank you.

Unless I am mistaken, the trend in Western Culture is for “successful” people to have fewer children. What are the long-term implications of this pattern for the human race? Genetically, “success” is determined by an individual’s rate of reproduction. In considering this notion, the lyrics “why are all of the stupid people breeding” come to mind. As a father of four daughters, I hate to tell all of humanity that hairy backs and large noses appear to be “our” future! :)

Could another example be in couples where one partner is infertile? For example, if it’s the woman, then no offspring would ever be produced, but if it’s the man that’s infertile there’s still a chance that the woman will have offspring from a man outside of the couple. The children and other members of the community may never be aware of the real father, and he may have fathered other children with other women.

The fallacy here, if I remember the original article, is not the genetic evidence, or the sex ratios, but attaching a sociocultural narrative to it. Fine, some males disproportionately reproduced. There is absolutely no provable causal connection between that and any cultural observation. We could just as easily make up an opposite narrative, that risk takers disproportionately died off in war and adventure, and thats why today the most modern societies are passive, consumerist, and avoidant of warfare compared to the endemic conflict of history and less developed, more highly reproducing parts of the world. I don’t believe that either, but there’s just as much evidence, which is none.

Baumeister’s speech is refreshing, as it brings forward a different way of thinking about gender (not that it is an entirely fresh). It would be foolish to ignore the genetic record and the influence that evolution has had on gender, particularly when it involves factors related to mating practices. It certain follows that motivational differences would exist when the strategies for passing on genetic information have been so different for men and women. He deflects the focus from differences in ability to differences in motivation; and from men being less sociable, to sociable in a different, broader set of relationships.

However, his depiction of patriarchy as a “conspiracy theory” really makes it a straw dog in his argument. I think what he is really saying is that his theory of male dominance (in the cultural sphere) is more parsimonious, and thus superior to the idea of patriarchy. He argues that for patriarchy to be real, it would require men to have banded together to oppress women throughout history in every time and place. I have never heard anyone in my field, sociology, define patriarchy in this way.

There is great potential for evolutionary psychology to contribute to the discussion of gender relations in contemporary society, but I feel like Baumeister is slighting feminist scholars in a big way. Regardless of the biological underpinnings, there is little doubt that the culture and structure of society create inequality that extends from the public sphere all the way into our most intimate relationships. That structured inequality is what patriarchy is.

I don’t think Baumeister needs to be more “politically correct,” but I think his tone comes across as a knee-jerk reaction against a perceived PC opposition. There is plenty of fault to go around in the culture war, but his argument is not offered as a detente but as a taunt. This is unnecessary and unproductive. His work is intriguing enough without the “controversial” framing.

This whole discussion of the reproductive success of ancient conquerors is more than a little antiseptic. What you are saying is that victorious armies raped the female population with impunity while killing off or keeping away the vanquished native male population. Ok, so maybe some of the native females saw the conquering men as more powerful and therefore more attractive, so it wasn’t 100% rape, but you get my point. Where is the discussion about the long term implications of that? Why should the cultural, social, and psychological implications be treated separately, as if irrelevant to this DNA discussion?

The explanation provided above seems plausible, but I have a question regarding the rate of mutation.

These results rely on factoring out the rates of mutation between the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA. I assume that any differences between their rates of mutation have been included in the calculations. It has been a while since biochemistry class, but I seem to recall that the Y-chromosome has some mechanism to increase the fidelity of its duplication. Normally, we would assume that the isolated Y-chromosome would have a greater rate of mutation due to its lack of a paired partner. However, I remember that there was at least some evidence that the Y-chromosome has a relatively unique mechanism to ensure fidelity. Is my memory correct, and if so, how well do we understand this mechanism.

You write as though there was a selection process going on by the women in the past. Genghis Khan has untold descendants because he raped countless women after he murdered all of the men in their countries. The Vikings raped countless women in what is now the British Isles over the centuries. There was no selection process going on, this was done by force. If there was a selection process it tended towards violent males and that might help explain the continuing stupidity and violent behavior of the human race. Or, in the alternative, you can say that the female sex has made stupid decisions about who to have sex with since the dawn of time.

Your logic seems to be based on the assumption that large populations will generate more genetic change. Has this been proven to be true? Consider the bird populations on small islands: small populations resulted in more change, not less. If this follows, then if there are fewer reproducing males (smaller population), then the genetic changes in that population (Y chromosomes) should be more than with the larger population (reproducing females), which is not what your investigations show.

Increasing the male/female ratio was supposedly the goal of Clinton’s welfare reform.

Lets not forget one of the primary assumption of this argument; that the variation between the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA is based on the mutation rates and population size alone. What about selection pressures? What about the fact that chromosomal DNA recombines while mitochondrial DNA does not?

the first paragraph blatently exposes the non-logic of the argument.. Dr. Baumeister is laughable in his assumption that maria is in dougs family tree.. maria “did not” contribute any dna what-so-ever to doug.. granted while doug and linda’s child max would have maria’s dna in his family tree.. doug however,, cannot and does not unless there is some serious gene splicing going on here.. had Dr. Baumeister started with max it would’nt have been as amusing..

In response to Eddie S, statement about Western culture of monogamy and marrying on person….the divorce rate is well over 50% therefore people are procreating with multiple partners (both sexes). Not sure what effect that will have here.

The same thing can easily be going on today. First, a lot of men (especially world wide) do not have any children. Therefore, any man who has one or more child monogamously with his wife would be well ahead of many males. Furthermore, while many modern societies strongly encourage monogamy, many western societies are quite tolerant of divorce. Roughly half of US marriages end in divorce right? Therefore, all that is required for modern men to ”spread the love around” is for them to be more likely to remarry and have (a second set of) children than women. Some men even go through three wives and have children with each. While these men are usually not considered luck in the eyes of society at large, they are more prodigious than average. Three sets of husbands/children is much less common (although not unheard of) for women just given age constraints. However, divorce is very expensive. Men are much more likely to find another wife after a divorce or two if he is wealthy. That is, if he was more likely to be a financial risk-take when he was younger.

The statement that “we have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors” is troubling to people because it is counter to one’s intuition (an idea that is Intuitively Obvious). It takes most people a second thought (at least) to see the reasoning behind ideas that are opposed to intuitively obvious ideas, e.g., “the Sun moves around the Earth”, “it is 10 times more expensive to repair a defect on each stage of manufacture than the previous”, and now “we each have as many female ancestors as male ancestors”.

There was also a really good NYT article (”In Dusty Archives, a Theory of Affluence’, by Nicholas Wade, Aug. 7, 2007) that found evidence from medieval wills that modern Europeans are primarily descended from the wealthy upper classes from the middle ages. This was because the poor were much less likely to reproduce than the wealthy. There was a perpetual cascade of genetic material from rich to poor throughout Europe before the industrial revolution. The author of the wills study (a UC Davis historian named Gregory Clark), hypothesized that European civilized mentality, i.e. literacy and numeracy, followed this cascade. While the wealthy tended to possess more civilizing behaviors than the poor, they also originally obtained their positions through risk taking behaviors, such as winning wars and conquests.

I am not surprised that such useless sociobiological nonsense was generated at Florida State University. Anyone who has had the misfortune of teaching or studying there will certainly understand. Considering it has recently frozen admissions due to budgetary restraints and lack of professional ethics, it is not surprising that such an idiot would be venerated at such an institution.

The bias towards the female exists at the chromosomal level as well. The Y-chromosome is what makes a man a man (providing the genetic instructions for semen production and body development). There is also stuff on Y that is harmful to women (e.g., sperm contains chemicals that attack the woman’s immune system, so that it can survive the journey to the womb). In response, the female X-chromosome, constantly attempts to disable the Y-chromosome. Under a microscope, one sees a Y in trouble. Ever since Y split off from the other chromosomes, some 300 million years ago, its number of genes went down from about 1,000 to 80. How? Because of the X-chromosome’s attacks. Even without a microscope, the fact that some people are gay or transsexual could be a direct consequence of the battle between the X- and the Y-chromosome, some geneticists think. For example, cases have been found in which women carry both the X and the Y chromosome, but have somehow managed to disable the Y-chromosome. Indeed, entire families have overcome the Y-chromosome such that no boys are born for generations.

At present, 1 to 2 percent of all men are infertile because of a malfunctioning Y-chromosome. Though it may not seem like much, it is astonishing because such defects cannot have been inherited (since they lead to infertility). This means that 1 to 2 percent of all men have their Y-chromosome disabled during their life. In a couple thousand years, this may lead to the total eradication of the Y-chromosome. The number of men would drop off sharply in as few as 5,000 generations, according to British geneticist Brian Sykes, turning the world into a place almost exclusively inhabited by women.

Luckily, this theory is still controversial. It was recently discovered that Y has a copy of its key genes “tattooed” on its own body — shoot a hole in Y, and it repairs itself by way of the back-up onto the wound. It seems that Y is less vulnerable than previously believed.

Yet, there are at least three species of animals where the females women are thriving over the males. For example, biologists discovered in the 1970s that the offspring of the eggfly butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina) of Australia are mostly female (i.e., almost half of all males mysteriously die before birth). The same was among the two-spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). At present, only 3% of the Acrea encedon butterfly are male, 97% are female.

By contrast, the mole vole (Ellobius lutescens), a small rodent from Turkey , succeeded in eliminating the Y-chromosome altogether millions of years ago, but the rodent managed to evacuate all of the male genes to other genes, astounding biologists and indicating that the Ys, in theory, may be able to overcome the attack of the Xs.

In the end, nobody knows what exactly will happen. On the one hand, some geneticists posit that X is in the majority (women have two X’s and men one X and one Y, making X outnumber Y three to one). On the other hand, some researchers suspect that smaller numbers doesn’t necessarily mean a loss of functionality. (Yes, yes, I know…)

Still, somewhere in the prehistoric past, X seems to have launched a massive attack on Y, but Y succeeded in repairing itself (as detected by the presence of scars on Y).

Is it comforting to know that Y can deal with the attacks of X? Or is Y weakened and thus compromised for the next attack?

Best to keep an eye on those birth statistics.

Note that Dan’s post of September 6th, 2007 2:36 pm was copied from the following URL (or from the original source to the URL information):


I checked because the post was so well written!