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Georgetown University can easily and effectively describe its mission, academic departments and standards, organization, services, and special events via the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, to its students, faculty, alumni, prospective students, researchers, and others interested in Georgetown University. A campus-wide information system, called GUide (Georgetown University information delivered electronically), has been established to provide a mechanism to organize and distribute electronic information about Georgetown University on the Internet. To provide an appropriate mechanism to administer GUide, a committee providing representation for those concerned with disseminating electronic information about the University has received an official charge from the University. 

The GUide Committee, in collaboration with administrators, advisors, and experts from throughout the University, has developed a number of resources that are relevant for all Web developers at Georgetown. The Internet Development Mission Statement and Principles is the most important of these resources and is required reading for all Web developers. The Recommendations for World Wide Web Development expand on the Principles and offer more specific advice. The Georgetown Guide to the Web provides an introduction to the Web and a narrative explanation of the steps and tools of Web development. The GUide Committee's current work and goals are outlined in our Planning Document


The GUide Committee is asked to develop, administer, and maintain a campus-wide information system permitting the faculty, students, administrators, and staff of Georgetown University to make information about the University electronically available to the campuses and to a world-wide audience. To this end, the GUide Committee will: 

* monitor developments in technology and software appropriate for distributing Georgetown University information electronically and choose or develop technological tools, as appropriate 

* facilitate the steady growth and ongoing maintenance of the GUide structure of resources 

* publicize GUide to the Georgetown University community 

* coordinate training, as necessary, to facilitate GUide's growth and development 

* oversee the organization of GUide and the placement of materials within its structure 

* establish guidelines and policies governing GUide and facilitate their implementation 

* coordinate the ongoing review of GUide in conjunction with appropriate University offices 

* work closely with the Chief Information Officer to plan for future developments, and identify and remedy problems related to GUide 


The GUide Committee includes broad representation from Georgetown University information providers, information consumers, and technology providers. The Committee meets periodically throughout the year to provide oversight of the GUide structure. A steering committee, constituted from GUide Committee members as outlined below, sets direction and priorities, expedites implementation, and provides leadership for the GUide Committee. Steering committee members are chosen by the GUide Committee and endorsed by the CIO. Subcommittees or working groups on specific topics will be created, as needed. 

Steering Committee Members: 

*Chair of the Steering Committee, Deborah Everhart 

*1 representative from UIS/AITS 

*1 representative from UIS/NCS 

*1 representative from UIS/IS 

*1 representative from the Medical Center 

*1 representative from the Law Center (Pete Meenehan

*3 representatives from the University Libraries (Mark Jacobs [Lauinger Library], Jane Walsh [Williams Law Library], and Nell Stewart [Dahlgren Library]) 

*1 representative from the Office of Alumni and University Relations 

*1 faculty representative appointed by the Faculty Senate (Charles Iacovou

*7 faculty representatives from Georgetown College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine, Law Center, School of Business, School of Nursing, and School of Foreign Service 

*4 student representatives from the Law Center, Medical Center, GSO, and GUSA 

GUide Meetings and Communication

All GUide committee meetings are open to Georgetown University faculty, students, staff, and administrators. Meetings are held Thursdays at 10:00 in 156 Lauinger Library. The agenda for upcoming meetings and the minutes for past meetings are available on the Web. The minutes are also searchable. If you would like to add a specific item to the GUide agenda, contact the Chair of the GUide Steering Committee, Deborah Everhart (, phone 7-7091). 

If you would like to participate in GUide through our ongoing email discussion, you may subscribe to the list by sending an email message to with the  command sub cwis Your Name 

To send feedback or suggestions to the GUide Committee, contact your representative, or use our feedback form
© Copyright 1998, Georgetown University 

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