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Countries or area codes
  Geographical regions
Countries or area codes added or changed

Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions and component geographical regions

revised 20 July 2001

Geographical region and composition overview

002 Africa a/

014 Eastern Africa


017 Middle Africa


015 Northern Africa


018 Southern Africa


011 Western Africa



019 Americas


419 Latin America and the Caribbean


029 Caribbean


013 Central America


005 South America


021 Northern America b/


142 Asia


030 Eastern Asia


062 South-central Asia


035 South-eastern Asia


145 Western Asia


150 Europe


151 Eastern Europe


154 Northern Europe


039 Southern Europe


155 Western Europe


009 Oceania


053 Australia and New Zealand


054 Melanesia


057 Micronesia


061 Polynesia


a/ The designations employed and the presentation of country or area
names in this list do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status
of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The user of any particular dataset
should consult the dataset documentation to determine the exact coverage
of statistics for the country or area entities in the dataset. Various datasets
may or may not include coverage of outlying and overseas areas, depending
on the type of data and source.

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