Welcome to the Pre-History of Cognitive Science Web--an annoted bibliography of models of human cognition from the Seventeenth through Nineteenth centuries. The bibliography is compiled and maintained by Carl Stahmer, at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as part of a larger dissertation project. The list of authors represented and forthcoming is the result of ongoing research into early models of cognition, with a particular emphasis on those thinkers who sought to understand the relationship between the material world, our physical bodies, and abstract thought. Philosophies of mind that do not contain some reflection on or disscusion of the materiality of thought are not represented. Suggestions for inclusion in the web can be made via email to cstahmer@rc.umd.edu and are greatly appreciated.

All entries in the bibliograpy are hyperlinked to each other according to a list of key terms. The links to the right provide access to the bibliography via an alphabetical listing of authors. The bibliography can also be accessed using the chronological and subject indexes. A list of references is also provided.

Subject Index Chronology References

Berkeley, George.
Burton, Robert.
Hobbes, Thomas.
Locke, John.


Babbage, Charles
Barrow, Isaac
Bell, Charles
Cabanis, P.J.G.
Darwin, Erasmus
Descartes, Rene
Gall, Franz Joseph
Hartley, David
Lawrence, William
Molyneux, William
Reid, Thomas