Picture of a sheet of 100-kronor banknotes

Did you know that

Mountains of banknotes
If you stacked all of the banknotes in circulation on top of one another the pile would be 30 kilometres high, or 3 1/2 times as tall as Mount Everest.

Counterfeit banknotes
In the year 2003 there were 1,832 cases of counterfeit banknotes detected and reported to the police, which amounted to a total monetary value of SEK 684,840.

Coins in the home
55 per cent of Swedish households have coins lying around the house to a value of 756 kronor.

Picture of a hand examining a banknote

Cash management

The Riksbank has the statutory tasks of promoting a safe and efficient payment system and of providing Sweden with banknotes and coins. In Sweden, the Riksbank has a monopoly on issuing banknotes and coins.


There is a total of around SEK 100 billion in circulation in the form of banknotes and coins.


Invalid banknotes from 1 January 2006

The Riksdag (the Swedish parliament) decided on 27 October 2004, following a proposal from the Riksbank, that some older series of banknotes and coins shall cease being legal tender after 31 December 2005. The banknotes and coins that will become invalid are all of the silver-coloured 50-öre coins, the slightly larger type of 20-kronor note and the older 100-kronor and 500-kronor notes without foil strips and see through pictures.


What do I do if I have received a discoloured banknote?

Picture of a discoloured 100-kronor note

A discoloured banknote here refers to a note that has been coloured with ink dye from a security device, such as in cases for transporting cash-in-transit. If you have accepted by mistake an individual discoloured banknote or one that has a strange appearance, you should hand it in to your bank or to Svensk Kassaservice. If the banknote has not been discoloured by security ink dye, the bank can replace it. However, if it is discoloured by ink dye, an explanation must be provided on a special form that the bank will provide.