The World at War

League of Nations Timeline
collected by Philip J. Strollo


Original Members of the League of Nations - January 10, 1920


1921 ESTONIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA are admitted to the League
1922 HUNGARY is admitted to the League
1923 ETHIOPIA, IRELAND are admitted to the League
1924 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC is admitted to the League
1925 COSTA RICA withdraws from the League
1926 GERMANY is admitted to the League
BRAZIL withdraws from the League
1931 MEXICO is admitted to the League
1932 IRAQ, TURKEY are admitted to the League
1933 GERMANY, JAPAN withdraw from the League
1935 PARAGUAY withdraws from the League
1936 GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA withdraw from the League
1937 EGYPT is admitted to the League
EL SALVADOR, ITALY withdraw from the League
1938 CHILE, VENEZUELA withdraw from the League
AUSTRIA is annexed by GERMANY
1939 HUNGARY, PERU, SPAIN withdraw from the League
ALBANIA is annexed by ITALY1
1940 RUMANIA withdraws from the League
1942 HAITI withdraws from the League
The League of Nations in Geneva 20-36


Adapted from: "Essential Facts about the League of Nations," Tenth Edition (Revised), LON Information Section, Geneva, 1939, pp. 11-29.
1918 January 8 The President of the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson, in his message on the Conditions of Peace delivered at a Joint Session of the Two Houses of the American Congress, identifies the "fourteen points" intended to serve as the basis for world peace. Point 14 says:
"A general association of nations should be formed on the basis of covenants designed to create mutual guarantees of the political independence and territorial integrity of States, large and small equally."
1919 January 25 The plenary session of the Peace Conference accepts the proposals for the creation of a League of Nations.
January 27 Elections of a Committee to draft a Covenant.
April 18 The Peace Conference unanimously adopts the draft Covenant on the motion of President Wilson of the United States of America.
June 10 Sir Eric Drummond presents a memorandum on the working of administrative services.
The Secretariat is set up, London.
June 28 Signature of the Treaty of Versailles. Part 1, Articles 1 to 26 of this and other Peace Treaties contain the Covenant of the League of Nations.
1920 January 10 Entry into force of the Versailles Peace Treaty and of the Covenant of the League of Nations.
January 16 First session of the Council of the League, Paris.
February 13 The Council accepts the duties entrusted to it with regard to the Protection of Minorities.
June 16 International Jurists' Committee meets for the creation of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
September 24 International Financial Conference, Brussels.
November 1 The seat of the League of Nations is transferred from London to Geneva.
November 15 First Assembly of the League convened by President Wilson of the United States of America, Geneva. 41 States send representatives.
December 1 The Council approves the appointment of the Permanent Mandates Commission.
December 13 The Assembly approves the draft Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
December 15 Admission of Austria to the League.
1921 April 20 -
May 10
First General Conference on Communications and Transit, Barcelona.
June 30 International Conference on the Traffic in Women and Children, Geneva.
September 2 The Permanent Court of International Justice comes into force.
1922 January 22 First meeting of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
May 15 Signature of German-Polish Convention relating to Upper Silesia.
September 18 Admission of Hungary to the League.
September 25 The number of non-permanent Members elected by the Assembly to the Council increases from 4 to 6.
October 4 Signature at Geneva of Protocols relating to the financial reconstruction of Austria.
1923 August 31 International Conference on Obscene Publications, Geneva.
1924 March 14 Signature of Protocols relating to the financial reconstruction of Hungary, Geneva.
October 1 Resolution of the Assembly opening the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes for signature by the Members.
November 3 First Opium Conference, Geneva.
December 24 Costa Rica gives notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations.
1925 February 4-13 International Health Conference, Singapore.
March 1 Opening of the Eastern Epidemiological Intelligence Centre, Singapore.
May 4 Conference on the Traffic in Arms.
December 14 Transfer of the Locarno Agreements to the Archives of the League.
1926 Janaury 16 Inauguration of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation.
May 12-18 Passport Conference.
May 18 First meeting of the Preparatory Disarmament Commission, Geneva.
June 14 Brazil gives notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations.
August 19-21 Meeting of Representatives from the Information Bureaux.
September 8 Admission of Germany to the League; Germany made a permanent Member of the Council.
The number of non-permanent Members elected by the Assembly to the Council increases from 6 to 9.
Spain gives notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations.
1927 January 1 Costa Rica ceases to be a Member of the League.
May 4-23 International Economic Conference.
April 24-29 International Conference of Press Experts.
March 22 The Spanish Government announces that it will continue to collaberate in the work of the League.
May 30 Inauguration of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Rome.
June 13 Brazil ceases to be a Member of the League.
September 5 Inauguration of the International Educational Cinematographic Institute, Rome.
September 26 The XVIIIth Assembly adopts the General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.
1929 August 16 The General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes comes into force.
September 4-13 Conference for the Revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
1930 May 13 -
June 7
International Conferences for the Unification of Laws relating to Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques.
September 23 First session of the Commission of Enquiry for European Union.
September 30 Creation of the Nansen International Office for Refugees.
1931 January 24 The Council decides to convene the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments.
March 16-30 European Conference for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs.
September 26 The Assembly adopts a General Convention to improve the Means of Preventing War.
November 9-27 Conference for the Suppression of Opium-Smoking, Bangkok.
1932 January 11-14 Conference of Government Press Bureaux and Press Representatives, Copenhagen.
February 2 Two-year Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments opens, Geneva.
Opening of the League Wireless Station.
September 4 Signature of the Lytton Report, Peiping.
September 14 Germany notifies the President of the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments of its decision to withdraw from the Conference.
October 3 Admission of Iraq to the League.
December 11 Agreement between Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and the United States of America on the question of Equality of Rights and Security.
1933 March 27 Japan gives notice of its withdrawal from the League of Nations.
June 12 World Monetary and Economic Conference, London.
June 29 Adjournment of the work of the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments.
September 26 The Government of the Argentine Republic notifies the Secretary-General that its Parliament has approved the Covenant of the League of Nations.
October 2 The Assembly provisionally raises the number of non-permanent Members of the Council from 9 to 10.
October 14 Germany withdraws from the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments.
October 21 Germany gives notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations.
November 9 Conference of Governmental Press Bureaux and Representatives of the Press, Madrid.
1934 May 29 Meeting of the General Commission of the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments.
June 22 Resolution adopted by the International Labour Conference inviting the American Government to accede to the International Labour Organization.
August 20 Acceptance of the President of the United States of America on the Resolution to accede to the ILO.
September 18 Admission of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the League of Nations. The Assembly approves the Council's proposal that the Union should be made a permanent Member.
September 28 Ecuador, one of the original Members of the League and named in the Annex to the Covenant, accedes to the Covenant.
1935 January 13 Plebiscite held in the Saar Territory.
January 17 The Council decides that the Saar Territory should be united with Germany (rather than with France).
January 29 The American Senate refuses to ratify the accession of the United States to the Permanent Court of International justice.
February 23 Paraguay gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
March 1 Germany takes over the Government of the Saar Territory.
March 15 Registration by the Secretariat of the Agreement under which the United States of America acceded to the ILO.
March 27 Japan ceases to be a Member of the League.
October 21 Germany ceases to be a Member of the League.
1936 February 17-22 The Secretariat moves into the new League of Nations buildings, Geneva.
March 8 Germany denounces the treaty of Locarno.
May 9 Proclamation of sovereignty over Ethiopia.
May 26 Guatemala gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
June 27 Nicaragua gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
July 4 The Assembly recommends that the Council should invite Governments to send in Proposals for Improving the Application of the Principles of the Covenant.
The Assembly recommends that the Co-ordination Committee should propose to Governments the Termination of Sanctions.
July 10 Honduras gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
September 9 Meeting between Mr. Avenol and Mr. Mussolini, Rome.
September 17-23 Inter-Governmental Conference for the Conclusion of an International Convention Concerning the Use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace.
October 2 The Council increases the number of its non-permanent members from 10 to 11 for a period of 3 years.
October 10 The Assembly appoints a Committee of 28 to study the Application of Principles of the Covenant.
December 14-16 First Session of the Committee on the Application of Principles of the Covenant.
1937 January 26 Brazil renews her acceptance of the Optional Clause of the Protocol of the Permanent Court and ratifies the Protocol concerning the revision of the Statute of the Court.
February 2-15 Conference of Central Authorities of Eastern Countries on the Traffic of Women and Children, Bandoeng (Java).
February 23 Expiration of Paraguay's notice of withdrawal from the League.
March 4 The Egyptian Government applies for admission to the League.
April 22 The Bangkok Agreement on Opium-Smoking comes into force.
May 26-27 Extraordinary Session of the Assembly; admission of Egypt to the League.
May 28 The Council approves the reorganization of the Health and Financial Committees.
June 15 The British Imperial Conference expresses the hope that the Covenant might be separated from the Peace Treaties.
July 5-9 Second General Conference of National Committees on Intellectual Co-operation, Paris.
July 8 Signature by Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey of a Treaty of Non-Aggression and Protocol establishing an understanding between the Near Eastern Countries.
July 15 Expiration of the German-Polish Convention relating to Upper Silesia.
July 26 Salvador gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
August 12-29 The Secretary-General visits Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
September 10-11 Special Committee on the Application of Principles of the Covenant.
September 16 The Council decides not to continue consideration of the question of calendar reform.
September 30 The Term of Office of the Commission of Enquiry for European Union is renewed for 1 year.
October 1 Meeting the Commission of Enquiry for European Union.
October 5 The Council adjourns the Convocation of the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference.
October 14 Nicaragua complains to the League about the treatment of Nicaraguans living in Honduras.
December 11 Italy gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
December 14 Italy leaves the International Labour Office.
1938 January 21 Statement by the Swiss Federal Council concerning the neutrality of the Swiss Confederation.
January 28 The Council decides in favour of the League's participation in the 1939 New York World's Fair.
January 29 Adoption of a new Statute for the Communications and Transit Organization.
February 7-10 Conclusion by Diplomatic Conference (President: Mr. Loudon, The Netherlands) of a Convention concerning the Status of Refugees coming from Germany. Convention is signed by the representatives of seven States.
March 18 The German Government communicates to the Secretary-General the text of a Law, dated 13 March, providing for the inclusion of Austria in Germany.
March 19 Departure of a mission of the League of Nations Secretariat for Latin America.
March 21 Declaration by the Federal Council concerning the neutrality and independence of Switzerland.
April 9 The United Kingdom Government requests that the question of the consequesnces arising from the existing situation in Ethiopia be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council.
April 29 Memorandum by the Federal Council on Swiss neutrality.
May 14 The Council takes note of the intention of the Swiss Government not to take part in the application of sanctions in future, and declares that Switzerland will not be invited to do so.
The Council refers to the Assembly a request by the Chilean Government that the reform of the Covenant should be treated as urgent.
May 25 The withdrawal of Guatemala takes effect.
June 2 Chile gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
June 4 Mr. J. G. Winant (United States of America) is appointed Director of the International Labour Office.
June 29 The Electoral Commission, having stopped the registration of electors, leaves the Sanjak of Alexandretta and informs the Council that circumstances have prevented it from performing its work.
July 10 The withdrawal of Honduras takes effect.
July 12 Venezuela gives notice of withdrawal from the League.
September 21 The Dominican Republic, Greece and Yugoslavia are elected non-permanent Members of the Council.
September 22 The Assembly expresses its appreciation of the action of the mediating States in the restoration of peace in the Chaco and of the part played by Mr. Saavadra Lamas and Mr. Cantilo.
September 30 The Council postpones the meeting of the Bureaux of the Disarmament Conference.
October 14 Meeting at Perpignan of the Commission instructed to verify "on the spot" the measures taken by the Spanish Government for the withdrawal of non-Spanish combatants.
October 27-29 Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Arts and Letters (Chairman: Mr. Paul Valery, France), Nice.
November 2 Japan discontinues her cooperation with the technical organs of the League.
November 17 Award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Nansen International Office for Refugees.
December 3 Signature of an International Act giving to the Institute of Intellectual Co-operation the character of an organization founded on collective agreements, Paris.
December 9-12 The Budgetary Economics Committee decides that the League budget for 1920 must be 20 per cent less than that for 1939, Brussels.
1946 April 18 The League transfers all its assets to the United Nations. Contract signed by W. Moderow, representative of the League, and Sean Lester, the last Secretary-General of the League of Nations.


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