TCW index

The TCW index (Total Competitiveness Weights) is a way of measuring the value of the krona against a basket of other currencies.


The index was introduced on 18 November 1992 and is equal to 100. On 19 November 1992 the krona was allowed to float. By studying the index, you can see how much the value of the krona has changed.


A high index value means that the krona has weakened; our basket of currencies has become more expensive to buy with Swedish kronor.


The TCW index is based on average aggregated flows of manufactured goods for 21 countries. The weights take account of exports and imports, as well as third-country effects.


The file contains daily calculations of the TCW index from 1992.

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4/5/2005 TCW index | Excel icon 712 Kb

LAST UPDATED 4/12/2004