Valid banknotes

Picture of all valid banknotes

Crane AB, a division of Crane & Co. Inc, USA, is the company responsible for manufacturing banknote paper in Sweden and for supplying the Riksbank with Swedish banknotes.
A banknote is in circulation for a few years. Its lifetime depends on the denomination; 20-kronor banknotes have the shortest lifespan of around one year. The greater the denomination, the longer the lifespan; the 1000-kronor banknotes last for over five years.
The banknote number shows which year the note was printed. The first digit is the last figure of the printing year, while the second and third digits show which decade the note was printed, according to a special code.
The signatures on Swedish banknotes are those of the Chairman of the Riksbank’s General Council and the Governor of the Riksbank.
The idea behind the choice of persons depicted on the banknotes is that they shall represent their own time, while their deeds have significance for our time.

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LAST UPDATED 3/23/2004