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Newsweek: Page 1


No matter where you travel across the globe today, on practically every magazine rack from Alaska to Zaire you'll find a copy of Newsweek. Published in New York City and distributed throughout the United States and internationally, Newsweek is one of America's "big three" weekly news magazines, along with Time and U.S. News & World Report. A magazine of news and commentary, its departments cover national and international affairs, science, sports, business, medicine, religion, entertainment, and the performing arts.

Newsweek highlights the week's news from the U.S. and around the world, illustrating its articles with relevant charts, maps, cartoons, and photographs. Individual perspectives on current events are delivered through a variety of columns on opinion, economy, business, culture, and the Washington scene, supplemented with expert opinions by well-known columnists such as George Will, Jane Bryant Quinn, and Eleanor Clift.

Rivals for readers

Newsweek was founded in 1933, the same year that its rival United States News (which later merged with World Report) was launched, and ten years after the newsweekly genre was initiated with the appearance of Time magazine in 1923. Originally named News-Week by founder Thomas J. C. Martyn (a former Time editor), the magazine's first issue, on February 17, 1933, featured seven photographs of current events on its cover. A copy of the newly launched magazine cost 10 cents, or $4 for a year's subscription; its circulation was 50,000.

Four years later, in 1937, the publication merged with Raymond Moley's Today magazine and changed its name to Newsweek. Moley had been a member of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Brain Trust," and the editorial flavor of the young publication became generally more liberal than that of Time, even though the two magazines featured a similar format and appearance. Newsweek tried to set itself apart from its rival by introducing signed columns and adapting a more serious tone than Time's more breezy language. In 1961, Newsweek was sold to the Washington Post Company, whose liberal-leaning publisher, Katharine Graham, tried to further distinguish Newsweek from its two rivals.

By the 1950s, Newsweek had already taken a leading role among American magazines in devoting more in-depth coverage to the issue of racial diversity in the United States. By the mid-1960s, when the nation was embroiled in the divisive Vietnam war and unsettled by urban upheaval, its then-editor Osborn Elliott helped make the publication a voice for advocacy journalism, in which facts are tempered by a subjective view or political stance.

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Written March 12, 2006 exclusively for All right reserved.

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