Hindi/Urdu CALL Resources

Hindi is the most widely spoken language of the Republic of India. Its 275 million speakers are located in India, Mauritius, Fiji, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam, and the United States.

Urdu is virtually the same language as Hindi, except it is written in Perso-Arabic script, rather than the Sanskrit characters of Hindi. Urdu is the official language of Pakistan, but is also widely spoken in India. Approximately 140 million people speak Urdu.

Hindi/Urdu at the UW-Madison.

  • Asian Studies: India: links to information about Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and Sanskrit.

  • Hindi Fonts

  • Hindi Language Learning Resources: extensive list of links.

  • Hindi Software Digest

  • Lastech Software: email, web browsing, and authoring software for Hindi and related Indian languages.

  • Less Commonly Taught Languages Resources Page

  • LingNet's Internet Links for Hindi: list of resources available online.

  • Urdu Language Learning Resources: extensive list of links.

  • Urdu Software Digest

  • World Language Resources: Hindi: Useful information about the language, including product information for software, etc.

  • World Language Resources: Urdu: Useful information about the language, including product information for software, etc.

  • Yamada Web Guide to Hindi-Urdu: Includes mailing lists, news groups, and web links.