Governance structure

G10 Ministers & Governors

G10 Ministers & Governors, that is to say, the finance ministers and central bank governors of the G10 countries, meet briefly once a year (in connection with the IMF’s annual general meeting). The Group then receives reports from various G10 committees and groups as well as providing mandates and guidance for the continued work of these bodies.


G10 Deputies

G10 Deputies, that is to say, under-secretaries of state and deputy governors of central banks in the G10 countries, meets approximately three times a year to discuss and analyse issues of common lender interest at the reques of the G10 Ministers & Governors. Where necessary, G10 Deputies consults representatives of the private financial sector prior to producing proposals that may affect the functioning of the markets.


In addition, the G10 constellations meet in various contexts, partly under the umbrella of other international organisations' activities. The most important are: 


The BIS cooperation

The G10 circle plays a central role in this organisation’s activities. These central bank governors comprise the BIS board and also meet as G10 Governors. The G10 also forms the base for the most important working groups. See further under the BIS for a more detailed description.


WP3 (within the OECD)

Under-secretaries of state and deputy governors of central banks in the G10 countries meet approximately three times a year to discuss macro economic policy issues.

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LAST UPDATED 12/9/2005 
 Content expert Picture on a letter General Secretariat