DATE 11/30/1999

The monetary policy repo over the turn of the year will be extended to a 3 week maturity

In previous years the Riksbank has, due to practical and administrative reasons, extended the maturity of the monetary policy repo over the turn of the year. The same reasons are also valid this year, and the Riksbank has decided that the monetary policy repo, which is to be announced on the 21st of December with value the 22nd of December, will have a duration of three weeks and mature on the 12th of January. Thereafter, the Riksbank will resume the normal procedure with monetary policy repos of one week maturity.

For further information please contact:
Richard Gröttheim, Head of the Monetary & Exchange Rate Policy Department, telephone +46 8 696 68 01
Tomas Thyblad, Chief Dealer, telephone +46 8 696 68 18.

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LAST UPDATED 11/30/1999 
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