DATE 4/25/1996

The Riksbank lowers its deposit and lending interest rates by 0.75 percentage points

The Governing Board of the Riksbank decided today to lower the lending and deposit rate by 0.75 percentage points each. The deposit rate will be set at 6.00 percent and the lending rate at 7.50 percent. The decision will take effect on May 2, 1996.

The inflationary pressures in Sweden are subdued. So far this year, demand and economic activity have been weak. In addition, the inflation prospects have improved thanks to the stronger krona. Several forecasters have revised their inflation forecasts for 1996 and 1997 downwards.

The prospects for inflation to stay in line with the Riksbank´s price stability objective appear to be favourable.

A press conference will be held at the Riksbank (entrance: Malmskillnadsgatan 7) today, Thursday at twelve noon. Note! Press card is required.


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LAST UPDATED 2/28/1997 
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