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P'alkwanhoe ... Pacheco, Jose Emilio
Pachelbel, Johann ... Padjelanta National Park
Padma River ... Pahang
Pahang River ... Palais-Royal Theatre
Palamas, Kostis ... Palestinian Authority
Palestinian Talmud ... Palmer Archipelago
Palmer Land ... pan
Pan ... Panderma rug
Pandharpur ... Pantar Island
Pantelleria Island ... papillomavirus
papillon ... Paraguay
Paraguay River ... Pardubice
Pare, Ambroise ... Paris, Treaty of
Paris-Match ... Parmentier, Andre
Parmesan ... partbook
Partch, Harry ... Pasco
Pasco ... Pasteur, Louis
Pasteurella ... patio
patio process ... Paul Of Venice
Paul The Deacon ... Pawhuska
Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, Maria ... Peak District
Peak Downs ... Pecos
Pecos Bill ... Pei River
Pei, I.M. ... Pelopidas
Peloponnese ... Penelope
peneplain ... Penryn
Pensacola ... Pepoli Family
pepper ... peregrine falcon
Peregrinus of Maricourt, Peter ... Perija, Mountains of
perilla oil ... pernicious anemia
Pernik ... Persian literature
Persian Royal Road ... Pesaro
Pescara ... Peter II
Peter II ... Petitot, Jean
Petlyura, Symon Vasilyevich ... Petry, Ann
Pettazzoni, Raffaele ... Phan Dinh Phung
Phan Khoi ... phenomenon
phenothiazine ... Philip II
Philip III ... Philoctetes
Philodemus ... Phonofilm
phonograph ... photomicrography
photomontage ... physical medicine and rehabilitation
physical poetry ... Pichegru, Charles
pichhwai ... Piedmont
piedmontite ... pike perch
Pike, Kenneth L. ... pinacotheca
Pinar del Rio ... Pinnacles National Monument
pinniped ... Pippin, Horace
pipsissewa ... pistol
piston and cylinder ... Pius VI
Pius VII ... Planck, Max
plane ... plastic surgery
plasticity ... pleading
pleasing fungus beetle ... Ploceidae
Plock ... pneumatism
Pneumatomachian ... poi
Poincare, Henri ... Poland, Partitions of
Polanski, Roman ... Polish Succession, War of the
Politburo ... poltergeist
poludnitsa ... polyptoton
polyrhythm ... Ponchielli, Amilcare
poncho ... Pontypool ware
Pontypridd ... popular front
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ... Port Colborne
Port Davey ... Portalis, Jean-Etienne-Marie
portative organ ... Portsmouth
Portsmouth ... potassium-argon dating
potato ... poulter's measure
poultry farming ... Powhatan
Powhatan War ... prakriti
praline ... predestination
predicable ... Prescott
Prescott, Edward C. ... Priam
Priapea ... Prieur, Pierre-Louis
Prieur-Duvernois, Claude-Antoine ... Princeton
Princeton ... probability theory
probate ... Progressive Democrats
progressive education ... propellant
propeller ... protein
protein concentrate ... proverb
Proverbs, The ... pseudepigrapha
Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite ... psychotherapy
psychrometer ... public enterprise
public health ... Puerto Montt
Puerto Padre ... puma
pumice ... Purchas, Samuel
purdah ... Putin, Vladimir
Putman, Andree ... pyralid moth
pyramid ...