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Research at BIS
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Research at BIS

The BIS carries out research and analysis to contribute to the understanding of issues of core interest to the central bank community, to assist the organisation of meetings of Governors and other central bank officials and to provide analytical support to the activities of the various Basel-based committees.

The BIS also comments on global economic and financial developments and identifies issues that are of common interest to central banks.
The research agenda of the BIS is focused on key areas of interest to central banks:

  • Monetary and financial stability
  • Monetary policy and exchange rates
  • Financial institutions and infrastructure
  • Financial markets
  • Central bank governance
  • Legal issues

BIS economists work under the guidance of the BIS Economic Adviser to develop the research agenda and produce research papers. They are on occasion joined by secondees or visitors from BIS member central banks. They work closely with renowned academics, some of whom are invited for discussions or short stays in Basel. Researchers also organise special meetings or conferences or participate actively in such events at other international organisations, national central banks or universities.

The work by BIS economists finds its way into the Annual Report and other BIS research publications found on this website, including the Quarterly Review, BIS Papers and Working Papers.


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