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Families Valued

Karen Kornbluh: Creating a twenty-first-century social insurance system for today's "juggler families."

Parliament of Annan

Nancy Soderberg: To start getting American foreign policy back on track, look no further than Turtle Bay.

Judicial Restraint

Erwin Chemerinsky: How Kermit Roosevelt III's judicial theory undermines the very case for judicial philosophies.

History Lesson

Kevin Mattson: Those who don't know history are doomed to distort it–and our political discourse.

It's Not Schools vs. Scones

Jerold Kayden: Reviving America's cities takes "back to basics," a bit of the cool, and more. A response to Joel Kotkin's urban prescription.


Clay Risen: American foreign policy will never be wholly realist or idealist–and that's
a good thing.