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  Did you Know?

Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of the dead.


Arianism is a Christian heresy, affirming that Christ is not truly divine but a created being.


Apapocuva are Guarani speaking South American Indians, living in scattered villages throughout Brazil.


Droit du seigneur, a feudal right, gave the owner right to sleep the first night with the bride of any of his vassals.


Edmond Halley was the first to calculate the orbit of a comet later named after him.


Apomixis is reproduction by special generative tissues without fertilization.


Tug-of-war was an Olympic event from 1900 to 1920, with five men to a side.


The Beatles called themselves the Quarrymen, and then the Silver Beetles, before settling for their famous name.


Hand is the ancient unit of length, now standardized at 4 inches.


Hemiplegia is the name given to the paralysis of one side of a body.


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