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reproduction by special generative tissues without fertilization. It includes parthenogenesis in animals, in which the new individual develops from the unfertilized egg, and apogamy in certain plants, in which the generative tissue may be the sporophyte or the gametophyte. Apomixis provides for the perpetuation of traits favourable to individual survival but eliminates the longer-term evolutionary advantage of biparental inheritance.

Tug-of-war was an Olympic event from 1900 to 1920, with five men to a side.


Hallstatt is a site in upper Austria where objects characteristic of the Early Iron Age were first identified.


Ashide-e is a decorative cursive style of Japanese calligraphy, especially used in the representation of a poem.


Sally Ride was the first American woman to fly into outer space.


A bee consumes 6 to10 pounds of honey to secrete each pound of wax.


Breast Wall is the name given to a freestanding wall that either resists some weight on one side or prevents the erosion


John Vanderlyn, among the first American artists to study in Paris, was mainly responsible for introducing the Neoclassical style to the U.S.



The Masai tribe of East Africa subsist entirely on the meat, blood, and milk of their herds.


The English mathematician and inventor, Charles Babbage, conceived the first digital computer.


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