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L Lau Lev Lit Lub
Historical name for the countries along the shores of the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Device for establishing a horizontal plane.
Member of a republican faction in England during the English Civil Wars and Commonwealth.
Leven, Loch
Lake, east-central Scotland.
Simple machine used to amplify physical force.
Lever Bros.
British soap and detergent manufacturer.
Levertov, Denise
English-born U.S. poet, essayist, and political activist.
Lévesque, René
Canadian politician.
In ancient Israel, the third son of the patriarch Jacob.
Levi Strauss & Co.
Leading U.S. manufacturer of casual and active clothing, noted especially for its blue denim jeans.
Levi, Primo
Italian writer and chemist.
Lévi, Sylvain
French scholar of Eastern religion, literature, and history.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Belgian-French social anthropologist and leading exponent of structuralism.
Lévinas, Emmanuel
French philosopher.
Levine, James (Lawrence)
U.S. conductor.
Levinson, Barry
U.S. film director.
levirate and sororate
Customs or laws regulating marriage following the death of a spouse, or in some cases during the lifetime of the spouse.
Leviticus Rabbah
(c. AD 450) Compilation of 37 compositions on topics suggested by the Old Testament Book of Leviticus.
Levitt, Helen
U.S. photographer.
Extensive suburban housing development in Hempstead, Long Island, N.Y.
Organic compound (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) from which the body makes dopamine, a neurotransmitter deficient in persons with parkinsonism.
Town (pop., 1998 est.: 14,900), Lewes district, administrative county of East Sussex, historic county of Sussex, England.
Lewin, Kurt
German-U.S. social psychologist.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
(1804–06) First overland expedition to the U.S. Pacific coast and back, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
Lewis, C(larence) I(rving)
U.S. philosopher.
Lewis, C(live) S(taples)
Irish-born British scholar and writer.
Lewis, (Frederick) Carl(ton)
U.S. track-and-field athlete.
Lewis, David (Kellogg)
U.S. philosopher.
Lewis, Edward B.
U.S. geneticist.
Lewis, Jerry
U.S. actor, director, and producer.
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