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The Pet Food Recall: What’s a Pet Parent to Do?

Andrea Toback with cats Teddy (left) and IdaThe 2007 pet food crisis in the United States started with a trickle of complaints about sick animals in December 2006 and eventually built into one of the largest pet food recalls in U.S. history. Britannica’s own Andrea Toback, executive director of human resources and, at home, the devoted caretaker of cats Ida and Teddy, has been following the story closely from the beginning. She writes this week for Advocacy for Animals on the pet food recall, what we have learned about the pet food industry and its regulation, and food safety in general.

On March 16, 2007, Menu Foods, a Canadian company, recalled more than 60 million containers of pet food that they had manufactured for numerous companies. Additional recalls by Menu Foods and other manufacturers followed. After weeks of foot-dragging despite the high unofficial death tolls compiled by concerned organizations, on May 1, 2007, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finally acknowledged reports of more than 4,000 pet deaths, rather than the 6 or 17 the FDA had previously confirmed. The FDA on May 1 also ordered that all untested vegetable protein imported from China be detained. This includes the following products: wheat gluten, rice gluten, rice protein, rice protein concentrate, corn gluten, corn gluten meal, corn by-products, soy protein, soy gluten, other proteins including amino acids and protein hydrosylates, and mung bean protein.

With the newest revelations that hundreds of pigs and millions of chickens that ate contaminated feed have already been consumed by humans in the United States, the crisis has expanded to affect everyone who eats chicken or pork products. Additionally, since it remains unknown whether contaminated ingredients have made it into the production of the numerous food products that use these additives, the potential scope of this disaster could widen even further. Expect more revelations and recalls in the coming weeks.

How did this happen? What is being done about it? And what are the larger implications for human food safety?

A little history of pets

Boston Terrier puppy

Our relationship with cats and dogs has changed over time, and the food we provide them reflects these changes.

Up until the mid-1800s, most cats and dogs were owned for practical purposes. Cats kept farms and homes vermin-free, and dogs guarded flocks of sheep, helped with hunting, or guarded their owner’s property. A cat’s diet would have consisted largely of rodents, birds, and perhaps some table scraps. Likewise, a dog would have been consuming leftovers from the hunt or table scraps. Many animals lived outdoors, and medical care was minimal. In the late 1800s a limited variety of specialized food for hunting dogs became available first in England and then in the United States.

As urban populations grew, our relationship with animals began to evolve so that today, when most of us refer to “pets” or “companion animals,” we think of an animal that most likely lives in a home and is, in many cases, considered a part of the family. Some of these animals may still perform practical tasks such as mousing or guarding, but more and more cats and dogs are being kept solely for companionship and for love of the animal.

Up until the 1950s, if the animal wasn’t hunting its own food, most pet owners fed their dogs and cats table scraps. Although animals may have been eating food fit for humans, these scraps did not always provide a balanced and nutritious diet for pets. Veterinary care was available, but most animals were taken to a vet only when they were ill, and common life-extending procedures available today, such as dental cleaning, were almost unheard-of.

Since the 1950s, when large-scale production of commercial pet food began, the pet food industry has grown into a $14.3 billion business (as of 2005). Pet food was (and is) touted as being nutritious, balanced, wholesome, and far better for animals than table scraps. Television commercials abound showing healthy, happy animals eating delicious cuts of chicken and beef enhanced with bountiful vegetables all from a convenient can, pouch, or bag. Unfortunately, the truth is a little less blissful.

A little history of pet food

Ida (left) and Teddy Toback eating healthy, non-recalled commercial foodPet food was first produced as a way to utilize food products left over from human food production. This included items that were fine for human consumption but whose supply exceeded demand, such as organ meats (hearts, liver, etc.). It also included rendered ingredients—leftover animal parts such as skin and connective tissue and muscle meat boiled down into a meal. Bones were crushed and rendered into bone meal. While this may sound repulsive to us, there isn’t anything inherently wrong with feeding an animal these items. After all, when a cat catches a mouse, he eats the whole thing, including skin, organs, and bones. He also gets the protein-rich muscle meat of the mouse, as well as the stomach contents—that is, the remains of the mouse’s last meal.

As human-food manufacturing has become more efficient, the items left over for pet food have become increasingly nonnutritious. Since less muscle meat remains after butchering for human food, this means less protein is available to put into pet food. And as the demand for pet food has risen, manufacturers have increasingly turned to ingredients that are not so wholesome.

Contrary to the recent statements by the Pet Food Institute, few regulations exist in the making of pet food. Voluntary standards for nutrition have been set by the American Association of Feed Control Officials, an advisory board of state officials and FDA members, but no long-term testing of the outcome of these standards has been conducted.

Here’s what your pets’ food may contain:

  • Flesh from healthy animals
  • Flesh from diseased or downed (sick or injured) animals
  • Meal—rendered food from health or unhealthy animals, including skin, feathers, and fat
  • Glutens/protein concentrates—grain additives to increase protein content and act as a binding agent

As the low-protein meat/bones/fat/skin are rendered down, they lose a lot of the little nutritional value they have. To enhance the nutritional value, the industry adds back vitamins and minerals as well as protein supplements to boost the protein content of the food. This protein comes largely from grain—usually corn, wheat, soy, or rice.

What does my animal need to eat?

Bags of non-recalled pet food on store shelvesTake a look at the pet food in your home. What’s the first ingredient? Is it ground yellow corn, or is it chicken? Now think about what your animal would eat in the wild. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they eat high-protein meat, period. They consume very little carbohydrate—mostly from the stomachs of their grain-eating prey. Dogs are a bit more omnivorous, but as with cats, their primary dietary component should be meat. You have to read labels very carefully in order to understand how much of the food is grain as compared with meat. Many times, companies use several types of grains, so though the total grain may be greater than the animal (protein) ingredients, by breaking it down into several types of grains, the companies can list the animal ingredient (such as chicken, beef, or fish) first.

So why don’t pet food companies use more meat? As inexpensive as it is to use leftover parts of animals that people can’t or won’t eat, it’s even cheaper to use grain. Grain in meal form is used to bulk up foods into those nice convenient kibbles that are so easy to use. Grain glutens and concentrates are added to increase the protein levels of the food. Often, rendered leftover oils and fats from restaurant kitchens are sprayed on the food to make it palatable to pets.

From “bad” food to deadly food

In the drive to keep cost down, the pet food manufacturing companies have been increasingly turning to China for their grain additives. Unfortunately, China has farming and manufacturing practices that would not be acceptable in the United States. These include using pesticides that are banned in the United States, failing to provide education regarding the application of pesticides, enacting few environmental regulations, and providing little oversight of production methods.

When American importers began bringing in Chinese grain glutens with very high protein levels at very low prices, domestic manufacturers started to buy these products. What the manufacturers didn’t know was that this grain gluten was coming with a very high price for our pets.

How did melamine get into pet food?

Melamine is a chemical used as a fertilizer and in the manufacture of plastics. Melamine is also a by-product of several pesticides.

At first, there were several competing theories as to how the melamine got into the glutens and protein concentrates, including contamination from pesticides and genetically engineered crops. What seems apparent now is that the melamine was deliberately added to the grain in order to boost its apparent protein content. Melamine added to grain does not actually increase the amount of protein, but, in the process of testing for protein content, nitrogen content is used as a rough indicator. Thus, the test commonly used to determine the amount of protein in grain actually measures the amount of nitrogen. Melamine increases nitrogen levels in the test and makes the grain appear to be of higher quality than it really is. Chinese wholesalers knowingly added melamine to their grain to get a higher price at market. Apparently this has been done undetected for years.

What happened to trigger the pet food crisis is still under speculation, but the most common theory is either that the Chinese wholesalers increased the melamine concentration in the grain to a point at which it caused a noticeable number of pets to die or that a combination of melamine and another substance may have caused the lethal effect.

When reports of an unusually large number of pets becoming sick and dying of acute renal failure began coming out in the spring of this year, the common denominator seemed to be the “cuts and gravy” type of canned food, and these were the first foods to be recalled. Over the following days and weeks, as the story built and investigators attempted to find the cause of the illness, suspicions turned first to wheat gluten imported from a single source in China within a limited period of time. The theory was that a rat poison banned in the United States had been used on the Chinese wheat. As more reports of sick animals were recorded, the recall was expanded to many dry foods as well, and the investigation finally identified melamine as a foreign substance in the food.

Why is it so hard to identify the tainted food and get it off the store shelves?

Bowl of kibbleSeveral factors compound this situation:

    1. Multiple brands and products from one manufacturer. Much of the pet food in the United States is manufactured at facilities that produce for numerous brand marketers. Determining what products contain the tainted ingredients or whether cross-contamination between products has occurred can be difficult. What is clear in both the wheat-gluten recall by Menu Foods and the recent rice-protein recall by American Nutrition, Inc. (ANI), is that these manufacturing firms were slow to identify the problem and slow to notify the affected brand marketers. Brand marketers, in some cases, were also slow to announce a recall.

    2. Poor record keeping. Manufacturers had inadequate records of when they started to use the suspect ingredients, of which facilities used these ingredients, and of what products they were used in. This resulted in several additional recalls by Menu Foods when they widened the dates of their original recall for products made at their Kansas plant and then subsequently discovered that they had sent some of the tainted wheat gluten to a plant in Canada.

    3. Adulteration of brand recipes and lack of quality control. The most recent rice-protein-concentrate recall highlighted that ANI was adding this to products that were supposed to be grain-free without the knowledge or consent of the marketers. ANI denies this and says the marketers were aware of what was in their brands. The marketers apparently did not have sufficient quality control to make sure that the basic food recipes were being followed or that any approved changes were documented.

    4. Lack of enforcement power and candor by the FDA. The FDA cannot force companies to remove their products from store shelves. In addition, the FDA has declined to identify marketers that have been slow to act and has continuously claimed that it did not anticipate further recalls. During the FDA’s April 16, 2007, press conference, a reporter confronted the FDA with information of a pending recall right after the FDA said that it had no knowledge of any additional recalls.

Serious questions remain regarding food safety for both animals and humans

We now know that pet food that has been rejected for superficial defects such as kibbles that are too big, too small, or broken has been fed to hogs and chickens that, in turn, have been fed to humans. Are these human consumers at risk? (The FDA states that it doesn’t believe there is any risk but has provided no scientific evidence to back this claim.)

Grain glutens and protein concentrates are used in many food products, including protein bars, protein powders, baby food, gravies, and microwave meals, to name a few. Check your pantry: the number of items containing these additives is astounding. Are we all at risk?

Should we be importing food from countries that have few regulations regarding food and environmental safety for the food their own citizens consume, especially when the FDA lacks the resources to inspect even a tiny fraction of these imports?

Why doesn’t the FDA have the authority to mandate a food recall (human or pet) and close a manufacturing facility when a food has been shown to have serious health consequences?

Shouldn’t protecting our food supply be a part of Homeland Security measures? It’s clear that we are not prepared for a deliberate act of food adulteration by a terrorist organization.

Teddy finishing up another meal

OK, so what should I feed my pet?

This is perhaps the hardest question to answer. There are a number of routes to take—all of which have their pluses and minuses.

Continue to use manufactured foods with caution

  • It would seem prudent to avoid food with grain glutens and protein concentrates for the time being.
  • Feed several different foods to your pet. That way, if one food is recalled, your pet won’t have been eating this food for his entire diet. Also, you will have less trouble removing the tainted brand, since your animal will have additional choices that he is already used to.
  • As an added step to the first item, call the manufacturer, and ask what protein additives and glutens are used and what their country of origin is. The reason for this is twofold. Pet food marketers are allowed to use old labels for up to six months after a food formulation is changed. So even if the package doesn’t list these additives, they may still be in the product. Additionally, even if the brand marketers state that all their additives are bought from sources in the United States, it does not mean that those sources did not import them another country.
  • Monitor the continuing recall situation. The major news media have given relatively little coverage to the reports of thousands of pets killed by the tainted food. You have to be proactive about your pets’ health. See links below under “To Learn More.”
  • If your pet rejects a food or becomes ill after eating a food, stop using it. If the food recipe has been adulterated without the brand marketers’ knowledge, then there is no way you will know this until your pet starts showing signs of illness. Pets who have eaten contaminated food can suffer acute renal failure (ARF). In a pet with ARF, the kidneys stop cleansing the blood of waste materials that are normally excreted through the urine. Typical symptoms include lack of appetite, vomiting, listlessness, and increased or decreased urination. These symptoms are present with a number of other ailments, and only a veterinarian can perform the tests necessary for diagnosis.
  • If your pet seems ill, take him to the vet. Immediately. Identified and treated early, ARF does not have to be fatal.

Make your own pet food
While there seems to be a lot of resistance to this by the vet community, there isn’t any reason that home-cooked food shouldn’t be just fine for your pets if prepared with care, taking into account basic knowledge of pet nutrition. You do need to make sure that the food has all the vitamins and minerals your pet needs, but this isn’t really any different from making sure that your food has everything you or your other family members need. There are many good books available for home cooking. Some of the more popular ones are Dr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats (Rodale Press, 2005) and Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats (Hay House, 1998).

Another option besides cooking your pet’s food is to feed him a raw diet, though this is a controversial subject for some pet owners and vets. But think about what your pet would eat if he hunted for his own food. It would be raw, right? Again, as with cooked food, you have to make sure that the diet is balanced and safe. There are commercial raw diets as well as numerous resources for preparing your own raw diet. The books listed above have information on raw diets, as does the book Raising Cats Naturally (available for purchase via the Internet through Some additional raw-diet resources are listed below under “To Learn More.”

One cautionary note must be given on raw diets. Owing to problems of bacterial contamination, you must be extremely careful in your food-handling technique when preparing a raw diet. Given recent recalls of tainted meat and poultry, as well as one for a commercially prepared raw diet, this diet could put your pet at risk of bacterial contamination or your family at risk for serious food poisoning through cross-contamination.

Images: Andrea Toback with cats Teddy (left) and Ida—© Andrea Toback; Boston Terrier puppy—© 2006 Index Open; Ida (left) and Teddy Toback eating healthy, non-recalled commercial food—© Andrea Toback; bags of non-recalled pet food on store shelves—© Andrea Toback; bowl of kibble—© 2007 Jupiterimages Corporation; Teddy finishing up another meal—© Andrea Toback.

To Learn More

Several Web sites keep up-to-date with news on the recall, including the following:

Lists of recalled products are available at:

The FDA’s Web site has a list of recalled food but is generally several days behind in its updates.

Raw-diet sources include

How Can I Help?

Animal shelters have been hit hard by the food recalls, as much of their food is donated by pet food marketers. Please consider making a donation to your local animal shelters to help them through this crisis.

With the lack of news coverage by commercial television stations, your elderly neighbors and people without access to the Internet may not be aware of the rolling recalls. Check in with them to see how their pets are doing and if they need some help determining whether the pet food they have is safe.

Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, along with several other senators, has introduced new legislation as well as a food safety amendment to a proposed FDA funding bill that would require uniform pet food standards and product labeling. It also imposes fines on manufacturers that do not report suspected problems to the FDA. It does not, however, give the FDA the authority to mandate a recall. Contact your senators and let them know that you support stronger testing and monitoring of our food supply as well as granting the FDA the authority to mandate a recall and halt production at facilities if necessary.

Books We Like

Dr. Pitcairn\'s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and CatsDr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, Ph.D., and Susan Hubble Pitcairn (2005)

Historically, dogs who were kept as pets and as workers ate basically what the family ate. Cats ate what they hunted for themselves and what they could cadge from humans. But in recent decades, people looking for basic advice on feeding their dogs and cats have been told by their veterinarians “no table scraps.” Since the 1950s, most companion animals in the United States and other industrialized countries have eaten food manufactured by the pet-food industry, which promises balanced nutrition for a variety of animal health needs. And most animals see veterinarians who, like doctors who treat humans, follow medical models that concentrate on the treatment of disease rather than stressing wellness and preventive medicine.

Veterinary schools tend to place little emphasis on teaching about the nutritional requirements of cats and dogs. Like pet owners, veterinarians assume that, for the most part, the pet food industry produces balanced and healthy diets that are scientifically developed and formulated. Dr. Richard Pitcairn, author of Dr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, once assumed the same thing, but during years of private practice he saw many cases—such as allergies, arthritis, and general unexplained poor health—that did not respond to any medical treatment he could think of. Pitcairn took a closer look at what these patients were eating and discovered that pet foods, which are often full of highly processed ingredients that dogs and cats did not even need, could be one of the culprits. He began to realize the extent to which nutrition and other nonmedical solutions play a part in animal health. Proper nutrition boosts the body’s ability to fight off disease. If an animal is not getting a wholesome diet made of the foods its body is adapted to use, body functions will get out of balance. Pitcairn made a more holistic study of the roles that food, vitamins and minerals, and natural remedies could play in keeping animals well, and the result is Dr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats.

This book, first published more than 20 years ago and now in its third edition, is a well-respected and widely used guide that provides pet owners with a basic education on the nutritional and other health needs of animals. In Part One, Pitcairn talks about his new approach to pet care, tell what’s really in commercial pet food, and provides recipes he formulated for homemade dog and cat foods, including diets for pets with special needs, such as health conditions. He also addresses other aspects of the lives of pets, such as behavior and the emotional connection between animals and humans. One chapter discusses holistic therapies. Part Two of the book is a reference guide in which readers can look up specific health conditions, diseases, issues such as vaccinations, and additional recipes for treats and snacks. Dr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats is a comprehensive and useful resource for people who want to explore ways to make their animals healthier and happier.

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12 Responses to “The Pet Food Recall: What’s a Pet Parent to Do?”

  1. Jennifer Ison Says:

    Great article. I switched to Innova Evo 3 years ago & I’m so grateful that my pets aren’t fed food with grains.

    My heart goes to those that lost their loved pets.

  2. B. Mitchell Loebel Says:

    Great article … thank you.

    This whole issue is stunning … what to do?

    I use Royal Canin dry food for my three little Maltese guys. None of them has exhibited any problems. Royal Canin’s web site ( has a list of the 8 foods that they have recalled AND a list of their foods that are OK.

    Please stay on top of this problem and keep us informed. It would be good if you could broadcast your notices to our email addresses.

    Thank you again.

  3. B. Mitchell Loebel Says:

    P.S. to my previous email:

    The Royal Canin dry food that I use lists Corn Gluten Meal as one of its ingredients. However, Royal Canin explicitly lists this dry food as one of their OK ones.

    From your position with Britannica are you able to pressure Royal Canin to be absolutely forthcoming? Somebody needs to aggressively keep their feet to the fire.

    Thank you. Take care.

  4. M Sisson Says:

    I feed my dogs Solid Gold dog food, supplemented with chicken, beef and vegetables I cook. They are healthy, happy, not undernourished and have few health problems. People need to take what the vet says about not only about feeding “people” food to dogs, but also about vaccinating your animals, with a grain of salt. Who do you think own the companies that manufacture the food and vaccines? In addition, veterinarians even sell pet food from their offices that was subsequently recalled (IAMS & Science Diet, specifically). I stopped using Frontline and Advantage on my dogs (chemicals - manufactured by large corporations out to make money). My miniature schnauzer had persistent skin problems, which disappeared when I stopped using these products.

    The FDA needs to get off their duffs and do something about the pet food problem. They seemed to take their time and many animals died while they were “working” on the problem. Another government agency that certainly isn’t worth the paper it’s written on! Everyone should be held personally and financially accountable for what has happened. The FDA should be brought before Congress and investigated itself!

  5. Marie C. Says:

    The Natura products (Innova Evo someone mentioned in the posting) have NO allergens in their foods like soy, wheat, corn (which are the fillers affected by the recall). Furthermore, their products are all human-grade ingredients. My doggies have been eating their California Natural foods for years and are doing great. They also offer Innova Holistic, Innova EVO, Karma (totally organic), Cal Nat as mentioned, and HealthWise. I get mine from Pet Meals…on wheels in Palm Beach County FL who delivers to my home for FREE. Natura’s website is and for fellow Palm Beachers you can go to

  6. Pet Connection Blog » Pet-food recall: ‘Unusual spikes of inexplicable illness’ edition (does head-exploding count?) Says:

    […] There’s a lot, lot more. Go read. […]

  7. g willie Says:

    Congratulations on a superb piece of journalism!

  8. Donnis Thompson Says:

    I am really upset about the problem of finding good, wholesome food for my Scotties and Poodle. I used NutroMax until a couple years ago when I switched to Purina Lamb and Rice, now I’m using Natura’s California Gold and Pet Promise in hopes that they won’t be contaminated. I want to cook for my dogs but am not certain the chicken and beef I would buy wouldn’t be contaminated as well. I like the idea of Evo, but it is up to 43 percent protein, which might be harmful to kidneys. And do they boost the protein with stuff imported? I will check Dr. Pitcairn’s book and see if I can find time to prepare, cook, freeze, and feed from that. Anyone on Evo out there who can provide me info on it as you’ve used it with your pets? Please, I’m just stunned by all this and want more information NOT from companies.

  9. Lynette Says:

    I had my eyes opened on the subject of pet nutrition in 2004, when confronted with several very sick cats. That’s when I learned about the problems with many commercial pet foods and how little nutrition education veterinarians receive in vet school. Most education and research is funded by and conducted by pet food companies.

    I found some great websites for more information on feeding my cats properly, including:

    My cats are now healthy and happy. One, who was being considered for euthanasia in 2004 because the vets couldn’t do anything else for him - is now 100% healthy. The diabetes has gone into remission. The chronic gastro-intestinal problems are gone. My obese cat, over 20 pounds on 1/8 cup of a “Lite” dry food twice daily - is now under 12 pounds and eats all he wants.

    I work with a number of animal shelters now, and cat owners, educating them on proper nutrition for their cats. Sometimes the answer is so simple… feed them properly and all the medications, etc. are often unnecessary!

  10. Barbara E. French Says:

    Excellent article very well presented, it makes me think about the food I’m eating as well.

  11. Pierre - A Cat From France Says:

    I definitely think that Menu Foods dragged their feet in this whole pet food recall. Now they are trying to escape full liability. In “Menu Foods Expects To Oppose Class Action Certification; Offers To Settle Individually,” The Cat Gergiev explains how Menu Foods is trying to sucker the human companions of cats into settling so that Menu Foods can avoid punitive damages.

  12. Contaminated Food - Get Used to It? | Power Webblog Says:

    […] As investigations continue into the deliberate contamination of protein additives for pet food by Chinese manufacturers, it is clear that what we’re seeing is not an isolated problem caused by a few dishonest individuals but a systemic crisis where thousands of products for human and animal consumption are routinely sent to the US from China that are tainted by bacterial contamination, banned pesticides and poisons, or that contain fake ingredients.  Britannica’s Animal Advocacy site provides an overview of the pet food recalls through May 7th.  Since publication, due to concerns of cross-contamination, there have been several additional brands recalled encompassing more than 20 additional products.  […]

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