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Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week, February 7-14

Dogs Deserve Better (DDB), an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of neglected dogs, is sponsoring Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week. At the time of year when Valentine symbols appear everywhere, the organization wants to remind the public to open their hearts to the suffering these animals endure.

Dogs who are perpetually chained outdoors or left in outdoor pens suffer both physically and mentally. They are easy to forget and often suffer extreme neglect. DDB was founded in 2002 by Tammy S. Grimes, shown here with Bo, her first rescue, who was chained continuously for six years. Bo’s plight led Tammy to found Dogs Deserve Better, which in 2003 was winner of the ASPCA/Chase Pet Protector Award.

Dogs chained outdoors for lengthy periods—often their entire lives—suffer from being denied the companionship of humans or of other dogs, and as a consequence they can become lonely, fearful, and overprotective of their tiny “territories.” They may bark uncontrollably out of boredom or fear. Unsocialized, they can be dangerous and unpredictable, attacking anyone who comes too near them. According to DDB, from October 2003 through January 2007 there were at least 112 children killed or seriously injured by chained dogs in the United States.

Brodie chainedRescue workers see thousands of chained dogs who have no shelter or inadequate shelter for the weather conditions and no access to clean water. Their miserable, skinny condition shows that they have been poorly or erratically fed. Their coats are matted and dirty, and they are infested with fleas, ticks, and internal parasites such as heartworm and roundworm. They are forced to exist in a tiny space where often they cannot avoid their own bodily waste. The chains or leashes by which they are tethered are often so short or so tangled and knotted that they can barely move. Frequently, the dogs have terrible injuries where too-tight or too-heavy collars have cut deeply and become embedded in their necks. Some die from these painful open wounds, which amount to continuous torture that goes on for months.

Brodie rescuedDDB’s Web site graphically illustrates the problems chained dogs face but offers hope through their success stories, such as that of Brodie, pictured above in his neglected state and at left as happy, healthy, newly adopted member of a family. Another informative and useful resource is the Web site Unchain Your Dog. Both of these sites represent grassroots activists who, through education and personal intervention, are working to alleviate the plight of abused and neglected dogs. They both provide numerous links and practical suggestions for ways to work for this eminently worthwhile cause; for example, coaxing animal owners to provide care for their charges, reporting neglect cases, educating children on proper pet care, and lobbying city governments and state legislatures for increased penalties for crimes against animals.

To Learn More

How Can I Help?

The Web sites listed above provide a wealth of information on how to help alleviate the suffering of chained dogs. They also provide ways to contribute to the organizations’ work.

Books We Like

Buddy UnchainedBuddy Unchained
Daisy Bix
illustrated by Joe Hyatt

This picture book for young children (kindergarten through early elementary school) was nominated for the 2006 ASPCA Henry Bergh Children’s Book Award. It is narrated by Buddy, a lovable mixed-breed dog who tells the story of how he was once kept chained all day, every day, in all kinds of weather by his owners before being rescued by kind people and starting a happy new life.Through Buddy’s words and the touching illustrations that accompany them, readers learn more about the physical, mental, and emotional needs of dogs and how people should care properly for the animals in their lives.

The example of Buddy speaks to the large-scale problem of animal abuse and neglect. People who might not think they “abuse” animals because they do not beat them still cause their animals harm by not feeding them well, denying them proper veterinary care, not giving them enough attention, or leaving them outside in harsh weather. This inhumane treatment takes a mental as well as a physical toll on the dogs. The story of Buddy’s sadness and pain at being neglected by the people he trusted will doubtless elicit some tears. However, his rescue and adoption by a loving family and the cover painting of a smiling Buddy—happy at last—give an ultimately cheerful message. The book is also instructive: at the end of Buddy Unchained is a page of information for parents and children on how to help neglected animals.

Posted in Legal and Ethical Issues, Pets and Companions
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2 Responses to “Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week, February 7-14”

  1. Kelly Says:

    Hi! DDB is a great group! They need support because all of the for-profit breeders and puppy millers who claim that pets are “property” that they can torture as they see fit are harassing them.

    On a side note, it is very distressing to see the ads on the right of your page here for next day pets and other notorious puppy millers!

  2. Lorraine Murray Says:

    Dear Kelly,

    Thank you for your feedback. And thank you for bringing that ad to our attention; we agree with you about it. We don’t have a lot of control over what Google Ads chooses to place on our page, but we are able to respond when something inappropriate like this appears. We are now taking steps to filter out the Next Day Pets ad and, hopefully, others like it.

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